Sutton to Malahide walking and cycling route: First details revealed

Non-statutory public consultation has just started on a planned Sutton to Malahide Pedestrian and Cycle project, with details of the route and how it could look.

The images and drawings show that the route is planned to be made up of mainly a 3-metre wide two-way cycle path, as well as sections of uni-directional cycle lanes, and shared space between cycling and pedestrians. There are also different options mentioned for some sections.

The route will link Sutton, Baldoyle, Portmarnock and Malahide. It will be just short of linking up the existing S2S Dublin Bay route at Sutton (which may be finished with a separate project), and will link with a the route planned along the railway track from Malahide to Donabate, and eventually Fingal Coastal Way from Donabate to Balbriggan.

A centre section of the route will also use the Baldoyle to Portmarnock Greenway, which was opened in 2020.

Fingal County Council said: “The scheme design will allow people of all ages and mobility levels to travel safely between these coastal towns while enjoying the scenic coastline along the route. Following a previous feasibility study and route option public consultation, Final County Council is
now seeking your feedback as we finalise the preliminary design in advance of a planning application in 2023,“

The council said that this consultation was to allow people to have input to “finalise the preliminary design in advance of a planning application in 2023.”

The consultation is to be open until May 9, 2022 at

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