Cycle route opens between Connolly Station and Five Lamps as part of phased opening

Dublin City Council has started the phased opening of more outbound sections of the cycle path on the Clontarf to City Centre Cycle and Bus Priority Project.

The project has been delayed twice. Its original finishing date was Q1 2024 — it was extended to Q2 2024 last year and then this year extended again to at least late Q3 2024. The majority of the inbound section of the cycle path was finished last year.

On social media, Dublin City Council said: “As part of the #ActiveTravelNetwork Clontarf to City Centre Scheme 500m of outbound cycle track along Amiens Street and North Strand Road extending from Talbot Street junction to Seville Terrace was opened today, Friday 19th of July. The protected arrangement on the Five Lamps Junction is now open to cyclists travelling in all directions.”

At Five Lamps, there is what is called a Dublin-style protected junction, and campaigners have raised significant concerns about the operation of such designs.

The project includes a full boundary-to-boundary renewal of footpaths and the carriageway, new pedestrian crossings, continuous footpaths at minor side streets and private access points, more continuous bus lanes; extended bus stops which can fit at least two buses with upgraded shelters, new greenery and new water mains on both sides of the roads and streets.

An extension of the project from the junction of Talbot Street to the quays is part of the Dublin City Centre Transport Plan, the faith of which is currently unknown while the council’s chief executive decides whether to delay the plan or not.

2 thoughts on “Cycle route opens between Connolly Station and Five Lamps as part of phased opening”

  1. 5 Lamps: Sneaky Govt anti-cyclist reconfiguration.

    1) Up to last year we had access to a handy stretch of cycle-land along the Spar shop etc.
    That is now gone, but I’ve seen cars driving up on that piece of foot-path. How could that conceivably be regarded as an improvement for cycling?

    2) Up to last year we had (unofficial access to Sean Mc Dermot Street (north-bound). This street is extremely low with car’s, and I expected to get a cycle lane north bound on it. Instead they have narrowed the north entry point at 5 lamps, clearly in an attempt to put cyclists off, as it is now very dangerous, dealing with oncoming traffic.

    The reason that particular point is so important is that the only other option for a cyclist coming off O’Connell St down Seam Ms Dermot St and wanting to proceed northwards is to do a detour – a left onto Buckingham street, up hill, then a right, then another right back onto NC Rd then back down to the 5 Lamps. It adds on approx 6-8 minutes to that simple part of our route.

    This is govt saying they are helping cycling then clearly making cycling more difficult and in this case dangerous.

  2. Paul, you’re talking about Killarney Street? That’s been a one-way street for years, no? If I was cycling down Sean McDermot Street, I’d take a left at Buckingham Street and then a right to go down by St Agatha’s Church and either a right there to bring me out at the flats or further on to bring me out at the canal.


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