The following is the full transport section of the Draft Programme for Government. It is provided here to make it easier and more acceptable to read than the PDF version.
The following is only edited for readability (for example, removing paragraph breaks and other issues when copying from a PDF etc). While some small errors may have occurred in this process, it is mainly as presented in the PDF:
As an island nation with a dispersed population and an open economy, good connectivity within the country and with the rest of the world is essential to foster continued economic growth, for communities, and our tourism industry.
By investing in diverse transport options— public transport, active travel, roads, maritime, and aviation—we will enhance connectivity across urban and rural areas, giving people more choice and supporting sustainable growth.
Given our geographical location at the periphery of Europe, Ireland is critically dependent on air and maritime connectivity. The Government recognises the importance of these sectors and is committed to creating an environment which will increase connectivity with our continental neighbours and international trading partners to support the supply chain and foster trade, investment, outward travel and the expansion of our tourism industry.
Developing a strategic public transport network
This Government will:
- • Ensure the newly re-focussed Department of Public Expenditure, Infrastructure, Public Service Reform and Digitalisation streamlines the delivery of major transport projects, from planning to execution.
- • Provide extra funding for the improvement of transport networks countrywide to promote increased business investment in the economy and the supply of new housing.
- • Review and enhance the NDP funding envelope to deliver on existing, strategically important transport infrastructure commitments, and meet the funding needs of new or accelerated potential projects and programmes.
- • Progress all key public transport infrastructure in the National Development Plan and consider new public transport projects in the review of the NDP.
- • Focus on linking new housing developments to public transport and schools through Transport Oriented Development, ensuring easy access for residents and visitors.
- • Ensure each metropolitan area has a tailored transport strategy including frequent bus services and light rail where appropriate.
- • Work collaboratively to act on the recommendations from the All-Island Strategic Rail Review to improve connectivity across the island of Ireland.
- • Develop additional track capacity, electrification, increased line speeds and new routes to enhance and develop rail services.
- • Examine the further expansion of free public transport for children.
- • Roll out contactless fare payments on all public transport and keep fares low and affordable.
- • Upgrade real-time tracking of services, including via TFI app, for accurate updates on when next service is due with timely notification of any delays, cancellations or outages.
- • Commission an independent feasibility study into continuing MetroLink from the city to South West Dublin.
- • As part of the NDP review, examine further investment in light rail for our cities.
- • Develop sustainable transport options in the growing commuter belt.
- • Expand feeder/shuttle bus services to commuter stations from surrounding towns and villages.
- • Create a Transport Security Force under the National Transport Authority, which would operate and have similar powers to the Airport Police and Customs officers.
- • Ensure that public transport operators provide safe and accessible access for all passengers.
- • Identify, research and coordinate delivery of behavioural change initiatives to support modal shift and reduce car dependency, focusing on wider societal benefits of the change.
- • Develop a sustainable funding model for PSO services into the future.
Enhancing Rail Infrastructure
This Government will:
- • Work collaboratively to act on the recommendations from the All-Island Strategic Rail Review to improve connectivity across the island of Ireland.
- • Fully commit to existing projects in the National Development Plan and, as part of the NDP review, develop additional track capacity, electrification, increased line speeds and new routes to enhance and develop commuter and intercity rail services.
- • Work with the National Transport Authority (NTA) to improve the punctuality and reliability of inter-city and commuter rail services coming into Dublin city and grow additional capacity.
- • Increase funding for the protection and renewal of the rail network through agreeing a new five-year Infrastructure Manager Multi-Annual Contract in 2025.
Improving bus services
This Government will:
- • Expand bus services in cities and continue to strengthen local urban transport in towns.
- • Ensure Bus Connects delivers promised benefits for public transport users.
- • Continue upgrading the bus fleet, improving service reliability and comfort.
- • Increase Local Link services in rural areas to better connect villages, towns, and cities.
- • Continue the roll-out of Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan and investment in new town bus services.
- • Work to enhance and support the delivery of a skilled workforce to maintain and operate public transport vehicles.
Supporting Taxis and Local Transport options
This Government will:
- • Collaborate with the National Transport Authority (NTA) to improve local taxi service provision. • Mandate the NTA to run a number of pilots enabling ride-sharing platforms to operate to improve rural connectivity.
- • Extend the ten-year vehicle limit for taxis registered in 2015, offering another year of service.
- • Continue the scrappage scheme to help taxi and hackney drivers replace older vehicles with electric models, supporting a greener fleet.
- • Support the expansion of the taxi fleet.
- • Task the NTA with undertaking a review of the area knowledge module of the Small Public Service Vehicle (SPSV) Driver Entry test and make recommendations as appropriate.
- • Work with the NTA to allow flexible pickups on Local Link and other bus routes in rural communities, as appropriate, enhancing service accessibility.
- • Work to integrate Local Link transport routes with health services to improve access for individuals seeking care.
- • Develop sustainable transport options in the commuter belt, including provision of shuttle buses to train stations from surrounding towns and villages.
- • Work with local authorities and relevant agencies to develop affordable Park and Ride facilities on the outskirts of major towns and cities.
Active Travel
This Government will:
- • Invest in dedicated infrastructure for walking and cycling, in consultation with communities and people of all abilities including older people and people with disabilities, to promote active travel across Ireland for those commuting or enjoying the countryside.
- • Increase investment in greenways, blueways and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure to encourage active travel and develop urban railways.
- • Expand the Safe Routes to School initiative, in consultation with communities and people of all abilities including the elderly and people with disabilities, making travel safer for young people.
- • Provide a dedicated maintenance budget to each local authority to maintain active travel infrastructure, including footpaths.
- • Establish mobility hubs in each local authority area, offering integrated transport services like bike and scooter sharing, EV charging, car sharing, and carpooling.
- • Promote a universal design approach in active travel projects to ensure accessibility for everyone, including people with disabilities, allowing more community members to participate fully and independently.
- • Review the structures and operation of the NTA to strengthen their engagement with local authorities, communities and stakeholders.
- • Ensure better collaboration by the NTA with local communities during consultation phases.
- • Implement necessary changes to ensure local active travel projects are delivered directly by Local Authorities through direct funding from the Department of Transport.
- • Offer a bike scheme specifically for third level students, mirroring the bike-towork scheme, and coordinate bike and e-bike rental programmes across further and higher education campuses.
Roads investment
The Government will invest in all road projects in the current National Development Plan and consider additional important road projects as part of the NDP review.
This Government will:
- • Provide multi-annual funding clarity for roads budgets so agencies can plan accordingly.
- • Increase funding for new roads as part of the NDP review and the maintenance of existing roads.
- • Increase funding for the protection and renewal of the road network to address maintenance backlogs.
- • Establish distinct budgets for road maintenance and new road construction starting in 2025 to ensure sustained investment in the network.
- • Fund a matching road maintenance catch up programme for local authorities with poor pavement surface conditions and utilise advanced imaging technology to expedite repairs.
- • Continue to progress construction of the Narrow Water Bridge and support the local authorities on both sides of the bridge in developing the new tourism opportunities it will bring.
- • Improve connectivity with the Northwest by working with the Northern Ireland Executive to deliver the A5 road upgrade. Further enhance road connectivity to and from the North-West.
- • Provide additional funding for the Local Improvement Scheme and Community Involvement Schemes (CIS).
- • Progress the digital solution to replace the paper discs on vehicle windscreens.
Road safety
The Government is committed to reducing road deaths and creating safer roads for everyone in Ireland.
This Government will:
- • Support the implementation of Ireland’s Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030, increase public awareness and crack down on dangerous driving.
- • Increase the number of average speed and static speed cameras to curb speeding and encourage safer driving.
- • Introduce new road safety cameras to automatically detect mobile phone use and non-wearing of seat belts.
- • Review a graduated penalty points system.
- • Enhance driver training and introduce reeducation courses as a judicial sanction for those who commit road traffic offences.
- • Maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of road safety enforcement and proceedings in court to include freeing up Gardaí from the need to attend court for road traffic offences, digitising all relevant documents and ensuring that information is shared in real time between the Courts Service, An Garda Siochána, the Department of Transport and other relevant agencies.
- • Invest in high-powered roads policing vehicles and continue to upgrade the Garda fleet to support effective enforcement.
- • Allow the public to upload dashcam footage of dangerous driving to a new Garda portal, making it easier to report incidents.
- • Use ongoing data analysis and local knowledge to identify accident-prone areas and focus road safety interventions where they are most needed.
- • Invest in infrastructure improvements to enhance road safety.
- • Work to advance the development of advanced safety system technology to improve road safety (e.g. requirements around drowsiness detection, blind spot information systems, advanced braking systems).
- • Consider recommendations from the ongoing review of the Road Safety Authority to strengthen overall road safety measures.
- • Enact the National Vehicle Driver File Bill to ensure Local Authorities have access to relevant data on road traffic collisions (to inform road improvements) and to expand real-time data access for An Garda Siochana to driver and vehicle information.
- • Continue the work underway to consolidate the Road Traffic Acts legislation.
Accelerating the transition to electric and sustainable transport
This Government will:
- • Work with local authorities and State agencies to develop decarbonised zones in our urban areas, focusing on pedestrianisation, cycling facilities, and use of renewable energy across all transport modes.
- • Develop a new Sustainable Mobility Action Plan which promotes sustainable modes and transport-oriented development to address congestion, improve air quality and reduce noise, and enhance attractiveness and accessibility of cities, neighbourhoods and town centres.
- • Develop a new National EV Infrastructure Strategy which ensures EV charging is ahead of demand and in line with EU mandated obligations, including neighbourhood charging for those who do not have access to home charging and charging across the main transport arteries.
- • Continue to electrify the rail and bus fleets.
- • Substantially increase the number of publicly available EV charging points, ensuring better coverage nationwide, and reduce the average distance between EV recharging points.
- • Ensure Local Authorities allocate space for EV chargers in town plans and mandate new commercial carparks to provide EV chargers.
- • Launch a national EV recharging infrastructure data strategy to enable real time data to be made available on mobile devices on the location and availability of all EV charger locations across our road network
- • Examine the current EV grant system and the introduction of additional incentives with a view to increasing takeup of EVs and replacing older, polluting vehicles.
- • Review customs duties on second-hand EV imports to make EVs more affordable.
- • Consider grants for solar storage batteries to encourage EV ownership and allow users to store energy for charging at optimal times.
- • Conduct a review of the Bike to Work scheme to boost take-up among all workers.
This Government will:
- • Work with stakeholders to achieve our objective of lifting the passenger cap at Dublin airport as soon as possible.
- • Ensure relevant agencies engage effectively with all communities impacted by noise, flight movements and airport operations.
- • Conduct a review of National Aviation Policy to maximise use of our airports in the regions including Donegal, Ireland West (Knock), Shannon, Cork and Kerry.
- • Continue to invest in the Regional Airports Programme and develop a new Regional Airports Programme 2026- 2030.
- • Work with all stakeholders to quickly progress the Waterford Airport project to lengthen and widen the runway, building on the previous Government decision of 2019.
- • Engage with all relevant stakeholders to establish air connectivity between Dublin and Derry City airports.
- • Improve connectivity and public transport to all airports.
- • Develop a National Sustainable Aviation Fuel Policy Roadmap and support Shannon Airport as a hub for testing new aviation technologies.
- • Develop Air Cargo Infrastructure and assess the feasibility of an allisland (North-South) approach to strengthening speed to market and competitiveness of indigenous and FDI exporting firms.
- • Finalise and publish a policy framework for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), often known as drones, to guide highlevel strategic planning and development of the UAS sector in Ireland through supporting growth and innovation while ensuring safe and secure operations and addressing environmental and other concerns.
This Government will:
- • Support investment in our commercial and passenger port infrastructure through a new National Ports Policy.
- • Work with ports to support investments to facilitate offshore renewable energy development including constructing, maintaining and servicing renewable infrastructure, with a regionally balanced approach.
- • Support our commercial state ports to access funding streams.
- • Ensure our ports have the current and future capacity to meet the needs of a growing economy.
- • Perform resilience testing on all ports and sea routes to ensure contingency plans are in place.
- • Improve rail connectivity into our strategic national ports for persons and freight.
- • Conclude and enact the Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Accidents) Bill 2024, which will facilitate the establishment of the Marine Accident Investigation Unit as well as providing for the regulation of offshore service vessels, including offshore renewable energy service vessels.
- • Progress the ILV Granuaile vessel replacement programme with the Commissioners of Irish Lights.
Logistics and Road Haulage
This Government will:
- • Support the sector to ensure the efficiency of the supply chain and to maintain competitiveness.
- • Support decarbonisation of road freight and commercial coaches with fuels such as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), hydrogen, and biomethane.
- • Examine the taxation of HVO used for commercial freight to support sustainable transport solutions.
- • Engage with EU to allow incentives for lower emission fuels including biogas and HVO.
- • Deliver on the Road Haulage Strategy through 2031 to support a resilient logistics network.
Supporting & enhancing transport services for people with disabilities
This Government will:
- • Expand the Travel Assistance Scheme nationally.
- • Develop a vehicle upgrade initiative for disability service providers.
- • Support localised and community door to-door services to connect people with disabilities with community services and employment.
- • Extend the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Taxi Grant Scheme.
- • Progress the review of the Disabled Drivers Scheme.
- • Work to reduce the 24-hour notice requirement for disabled users of rail services.
- • Ensure all public transport operators provide safe and accessible access for all passengers.
Irish Coast Guard
This Government will:
- • Complete the roll out of the Transformation Programme for the Irish Coast Guard, including an independent review of the role of the Coast Guard volunteer.
- • Build on the recent enhancements to the IRCG’s Search and Rescue (SAR) function provided for under the new SAR contract, which includes a fixed wing element for the first time, to deliver enhanced search and rescue support for our public, industry, and our coastal and island communities in particular.
- • Provide support to voluntary search and rescue organisations.
Transport is also mentioned in other sections of the Programme for Government. This includes the following.
Under housing, it is promised to “Support the development of new transport orientated development towns as necessary, replicating the development of Clonburris and Adamstown.”
Under the heading ‘rural housing‘, the planned government says it will: “Review planning and transport guidelines for national secondary roads to facilitate housing, community and industrial development.”
The climate section transport blurb is titled “Accelerating Decarbonisation and Modal Shift in Transport” and it states: “Modal change in Transport is vital to the delivery of our climate change objectives. Policies to deliver this will include accelerating the electrification of the transport system, including electric bikes, electric vehicles, and electric public transport (see further information in Transport section).”
A section on “Rejuvenating our Capital City Centre” has a promise that the government will: “Ensure the new Transport Security Force plays a central role on Dublin public transport.”
While a section on policing commits to “Increase Garda visibility on public transport and introduce Garda Transport Hubs based at major bus and train stations to ensure Gardaí can rapidly respond to incidents on public transport.”
And under “Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour” they commit to “Ensure Gardaí have sufficient powers to tackle the misuse of E-scooters and scramblers” and Expand the list of offences leading to permanent disqualification for
transport drivers and enhance safety by supporting the provision of CCTV in taxis.”
Under education, the following is included:
“Expand the School Transport Service to include 100,000 additional students by 2030 and
- Implement the terms of the School Transport Review to reduce distance criteria and expand eligibility
- Ensure better management of applications system and timely communication to parents and families
- Carry out an independent assessment on the feasibility of removing the exclusion of drivers aged over 70 from the School Transport Scheme Explore flexible work options to attract more drivers including women.
- Ensure the financial sustainability of the scheme
Under disability, the following is included:
Transport and mobility This Government will:
- Expand the Travel Assistance Scheme nationally and examine the criteria for inclusion in the Scheme.
- Develop a vehicle upgrade initiative for disability service providers.
- Support localised and community doorto-door services to connect people with disabilities with community services and employment.
- Extend the Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Taxi Grant Scheme and ensure equality of access for providers.
- Progress the review of the Disabled Drivers Scheme.
- Work to reduce the 24-hour notice requirement for disabled users of rail services.
- Ensure all public transport operators provide safe and accessible access for all passengers.
Under rural development, the following is included:
Strengthening Regional Connectivity
This Government will:
- Invest in all road projects in the current National Development Plan (NDP) and consider additional important road projects as part of the NDP review.
- Provide multi-annual funding clarity for roads budgets so agencies can plan accordingly.
- Increase funding for new roads as part of the NDP review and the maintenance of existing roads.
- Increase funding for the protection and renewal of the road network to address maintenance backlogs.
- Provide extra funding for the improvement of transport networks countrywide to promote increased business investment in the economy and the supply of new housing.
- Continue upgrading the bus fleet, improving service reliability and comfort.
- Work collaboratively to act on the recommendations from the All-Island Strategic Rail Review to improve connectivity across the island of Ireland.
- Continue the roll-out of Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan and investment in new town bus services.
Apologies in advance if I’m mistaken, but is the only mention of MetroLink a reference to some vague feasibility study of an extension of the line to the South-West of Dublin, when blue murder had been screamed already at the possibility of extending it one stop beyond Stephen’s Green? Is this a cute way of attracting further objections to the project instead of, say, getting on with it?
It is commits to the National Development Plan, which includes MetroLink.
Fair enough – I’ll keep my fingers crossed in the meantime
There are other policies in the programme for government, not directly transport related, but which will make it more difficult to achieve transport emissions targets e.g. supporting one-off housing in rural areas, which will make the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan increasingly more difficult to deliver.
It’s also notable that there is no reference in the Public Health section to the part that Active Travel can play in improving physical and mental health. Someone needs to join the dots here.
Overall it reads like a huge step backwards in terms of achieving transport emissions reductions and reducing car-dependency.