Dublin mobile bicycle repair launched

5816_110673294662_110669204662_2043237_7032465_nDublin cargo bike couriers Velocity (@VelocityDublin / velocitycouriers.ie) are now offering a mobile bicycle repair service, it’s Facebook page is here: http://short.ie/i3rmj2.

And here’s the details:

Mobile Bicycle Repair/Service
Hi all. Just wanted to let you know about a new service we have launched. We can fix bikes on the spot[punctures, cables, brake blocks etc] We would really appreciate it if you could spread the word amonst all your cycling friends in Dublin. Our rates are great and you can reach us on 086 847 8116/7 Mon-Fri 08.30-18.30. Outside these hours by arrangement, just call. Safe and happy cycling. Chris.

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