Average cycling journey times

Average cycling journey times (Census 2011, national data)
Note: Extra Census data is due later in 2012. The Census data only records people’s primary means of travel – so if somebody uses  a car/bus/train/tram three days a week and a bicycle only two days then cycling isn’t recorded in the data OR if somebody uses a bicycle daily to get to or from a train station or tram stop, only the train or tram trip is recorded.

Population aged 15 years and over at work
Total students (Number) 39,803
Average travelling time (mins) (Number) 21.2

Students at school or college aged 19 years and over
Total students (Number) 8,530
Average travelling time (mins) (Number) 18.6

Students at school or college aged between 13 and 18 years
Total students (Number) 6,592
Average travelling time (mins) (Number) 14.1

Children at school aged between 5 and 12 years
Total students (Number) 6,252
Average travelling time (mins) (Number) 11.3

Source: Census 2011CSO

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