Cyclist deaths and injuries on Irish roads

NOTE: It planned to expand this page to include more complete and comprehensive data; including filling in blank data points, collision details, and location data etc.

Draft data 1989 – 2016

DOWNLOAD: Cyclist deaths and injuries RTC Ireland (Google Sheets)

Blank spaces equals missing, unconfirmed, or unavailable data — a blank does not always equal zero. 2011-2014 stats are provisional.

SOURCES: Data for Co Dublin 1997-2009 is from the RSA report ‘Pedal Cyclists Road Collision Facts 1997-2009’; Data for Dublin City is from the RSA report ‘Safety in Irish Cities 1997-2006’; 2007-2010 deaths for Co Dublin / Dublin City from yearly RSA Collision Fact Books; 2011 and 2012 data is only based on press and online reports to date; serious injuries for 2007-2010 from RSA by email; 2011 serious injuries is RSA provisional data; *a Dublin Bikes user died after a collision with a taxi on Westmoreland Street on June 21, 2011; **a woman died from her injuries days after a collision with truck on the Airport Roundabout on the Swords Road on February 20, 2012.

In 2011, a HSE report (Admission to Acute Hospitals for Injuries as a Result of Road Traffic Collisions in Ireland 2005 – 2009) said there are far more hospital admissions in those years compared to RSA data on serious injuries. However, no Dublin breakdown of stats were provided. The full reasoning for the difference is also unclear.

Last updated: January 2017

Fatal collisions in 2015 by county and vehicles involved

Date County Vehicles Involved
10/01/2015 Mayo Multi
16/05/2015 Cork Single
30/06/2015 Dublin Multi
05/07/2015 Donegal Single
17/07/2015 Cork Single
06/08/2015 Galway Multi
01/10/2015 Kerry Multi
17/10/2015 Donegal Multi
15/11/2015 Kerry Multi

Data from RSA: Note that this information is provisional and may be subject to change.


4 thoughts on “Cyclist deaths and injuries on Irish roads”

  1. Is there any data to indicate the causes of these incidents? I only ask because of the huge focus on cyclist behavior recently. I have had 2 collisions this year; 1 i was hit from behind and 1 a driver pulled into a bus lane without warning.


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