City council “committed” to expanding Dublin Bikes

Dublin City Council’s lord mayor Gerry Breen said the council are committed to expanding Dublin Bikes to further parts of the city and its suburbs.

It a statement to mark the first year of the street rental scheme, Breen said, “The council is also committed to expanding the scheme to other areas of the city and suburbs and is looking at how this can best be achieved. We hope to see proposals on this go before the elected council later this year.”

The wider expansion options are due to be shown to the council in the coming months.  Meanwhile, to deal with capacity issues, an extra 100 bikes and four stations are soon to be added to the current 450 bikes at 40 stations.

Dublin Bikes’ one millionth journey was made on Saturday August 14 when Joe Murray used the a bike to travel across town from work to the cinema. The council says that since then 101,900 extra journeys were taken.

According to the new figures, on average around 3,600 journeys were made on Dublin Bikes a day in the last 27 days.

Long-term membership of Dublin Bikes has now reached nearly 28,200 users, while about another 15,930 three-day subscriptions have been issued.

Breen said: “I would like to congratulate Dublin City Council, JCDecaux and Dublin Bikes’ 40,000 plus members on the amazing success the scheme has had in its first year. In just 12 months Dublin Bikes has become part of the Dublin experience. It also shows that there is a huge demand for public transport options in the city and we have had over one million journeys already.”

The lord mayor also says the scheme’s success is complimented by other Dublin City Council initiatives such as the Dublin Port Tunnel, the heavy goods vehicle ban, and quality bus corridors which have improved the city environment.

Breen added: “You can’t be complacent when it comes to road safety but to have got to over one million journeys without any significant incidents is very encouraging. I would ask everyone using Dublin Bikes to obey the rules of the road and remember you are sharing the road with other road users. I have no doubt that Dublin Bikes will continue to be one of our favourite ways to get around the city well into the future.”

Dublin City Council yesterday continued their release of core stats on Dublin Bikes, in a departure from when they would not release exact figures recently. The latest stats are as follows:

Key figures:

  • Total number off members:                                              44,097
  • Total long term (one year) members:                           28,169
  • Number of short term (3-day) members:                    15,928
  • Total number of journeys:                                                  1,101,877
  • Average length of journey:                                                 16 minutes
  • Percentage of total free journeys (less than 30 mins):  95%
  • Average number of subscribers per station:                1,072
  • Average number of subscribers per bike:                      95
  • Number of journeys taken on busiest day:                     5,765


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