Top 30 busiest bicycle canal crossing points into Dublin City Centre

Where do all the bicycles in Dublin City Centre come from? Thousands, including most DublinBikes, come from within the Grand and Royal canals which encircle the core of Dublin City, but over 10,000 bicycles are now cycling into the city centre from further afield — below is the list of most popular crossing points.

The list below, provided by the National Transport Authority and Dublin City Council, shows the 33 Canal Cordon traffic count locations ordered by most popular for cycling for two days in November last year.

The chart shows, in order: the rank, location, site number (which you can match by map below), the two count days for bicycles only, and the average between the two days:

Dublin Canal Cordon Traffic count - bicycles only CORRECTED  Rathmines is the busiest location, this is followed by Newcommen Bridge (North Strand Road) which is a combination of bicycle traffic of all the routes which feed into Fairview.

count locations


We will also look for the full data to compare cycling with other modes.

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