PSNI investigating car passenger pushing man off bicycle

Police Service of Northern Ireland officers are investigating a reported incident where a passenger of a car pushed a man off his bicycle, according to The details are similar to a video posted on Facebook last Friday.

IMG_6169.PNGA PSNI spokesman told the “The reporting person states that on Friday 24 at about 12.30pm he was pushed from his bicycle by a passenger in a passing car on the Ballyarnett Road in Derry. The car is believed to have driven on towards Muff in Co Donegal.”

As we reported on Monday, Gardai said they are investigating an incident which featured on a video posted on Facebook by an 18-year-old. The clip shows a passenger of a car pushing a man off his bicycle in a video billed as “the next challenge”, a reference to the ‘ice bucket challenge’ which made many people fear for copycat offenders

Facebook was slow to remove the video, but deleted the clip after a mounting number of complaints. 

Anybody with information can contact the PSNI on 101 from Northern Ireland or outside Northern Ireland on 00 44 2890650222.

MORE: Apparent assault on bicycle user: Facebook revises view and deletes clip; Gardai now investigating incident

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