Demand-a-Stand survey to find spots lacking bicycle parking in Dublin City

Dublin City residents and commuters who cycle will have the chance to “demand-a-stand” for bicycle parking using an app from Monday.

The crowdsources survey project will run for the next three weeks, starting Monday and running till April 30.

It was set up by the Dublin Cycling Campaign and Space Engagers, a social enterprise which helps groups to engage with local issues through interactive mapping. The Space Engagers app was previously used to map vacant buildings and sites for the Peter McVerry Trust.

A collection of the locations which people request for bicycle parking will be sent to Dublin City Council.

The Dublin Cycling Campaign said: “Have you ever arrived at a destination only to be faced with a desert of available cycle parking? Now you can tell Dublin City Council exactly where you want more bike parking. Over a three week period (9-30 April) we want you to log the locations where bike parking is scarce, using the Space Engagers app or website.”

The campaign said that it will use the data to build a heatmap showing the most popular logged locations and campaign for more bike parking at those spots.

“The Space Engagers app is very easy to use. It is available for Android or iOS and once registered it simply involves taking a picture of where you want more bike parking. You can also use the Space Engagers website to log locations,” the campaign added.


  1. Severals stories in the press about this app being using to log where stands actually are, to ground truth the DCC data, but everytime a I went website theres nothing there about it and now its changed its purpose to suggesting where you want stands.

  2. @dublinstreams
    The project is mentioned on the home page, but is not yet available to view on the app. Presumably it is still gathering data and is not yet live. The output from the other projects looks useful and is very simply categorized into past, present and future So the purpose has not changed, it is just that historical data, present state and future suggestions can all be captured at the same time because of the way the app is designed.


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