Over 1,100 people look for Cycling For All in Ireland

Over 1,100 people have signed IrishCycle.com’s petition seeking for national and local government to provide Cycling For All across Ireland.

The petition calls for a transformation of our streets and roads using the Cycling For All principles, and for the Government to provide more funding for walking and cycling, amounting to at least 20% of the capital budget for transport every year.

The details of the campaign can be found at CyclingForAll.ie. The website includes six sections detailing how our public spaces — both urban and rural — can be transformed to be healthier, more productive, and more environmentally friendly.

The six sections are space, permeability, priority, continuity and quality, contra-flow and integration — check out CyclingForAll.ie for more.

SIGN NOW: at https://my.uplift.ie/petitions/cycling-for-all-in-ireland and then please share the link with friends and family.

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