WATCH: Learning from Dublin and Dutch experience of building bike parking

The first of a series of free webinars covering cycling issues with Irish and Dutch experts happened last week and now online to watch

Titled ‘Building Bike Parking Facilities & Successful Integration with Public Transport’, the webinar covers the experience of Brendan O’Brien, executive manager of traffic at Dublin City Council; Monique Harmsen, CEO of LumiGuide which deals with electronic systems for large-scale bicycle parking units; and Bart Hofsink, a project manager at the Dutch railway infrastructure company ProRail.

All of the presenter’s sides can be downloaded here.


IMAGE: The city of Utrecht has a system of on-street signs showing available spaces at bicycle parking units.

Netherlands Embassy in Dublin and the Dutch Cycling Embassy is to host two more webinars. The details of which are as follows:

  • Theme Session 2 on Thursday, 17 September – 13.00-14.00 (IST) – “The Role of Business in Supporting Cycling and Creating Livable Spaces” with contributions from Graeme McQueen, Head of Communications, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Erik Tetteroo, Mobility Consultant, APPM, and Kees van Ommeren, Partner, Decisio Research.
  • Theme Session 3 on Thursday, 1 October – 13.00-14.00 (IST) – “Developing Safe Rural Cycling Infrastructure” with contributions from Robert Burns, Director of Infrastructure and Climate Change, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, Eric Nijland, Director, Fietsplatform, and Sjors van Duren, Cycling Consultant, Royal Haskoning.

Registration is required via

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