Royal Canal Greenway work in Dublin to restart later this year

Construction work on the long-delayed Phases 3 and 4 of the Royal Canal Greenway in Dublin City is due be started by August and September of 2021, according to local councillor Ray McAdam (FG).

Cllr McAdam said the information is from National Transport Authority officials from a meeting he attended with local TD and Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe.

Cllr McAdam said: “With regards to Phase 3, involving the stretch between the North Strand and Cross Guns Bridge in Phibsborough, tendering to select a building contractor will take place next month. It is anticipated that constructions will begin on this stretch by August and is likely to take approximately 15 months to complete.”

He added: “Phase 4, linking Phibsborough and Ashtown, through Cabra should, it is hoped, see construction works begin around September. A tendering process for the selection of a contractor will take place in March. Again, it is expected that construction period will take approximately 15 months.”


  1. it will be interesting to see how they keep the route open during the building as the route is a very busy and important pedestrian route

  2. Another month, another delay. I’ve lost count of the number of times tendering of Phase 4 has been postponed. As recently as last month they were saying January even though the site investigation trials holes only started a few weeks ago!

  3. And the saga over the Deep Sink stretch in Fingal continues. Blocked by nimbys and councillors who claim to be in favour of cycling but not here.

  4. @Declan
    “Blocked by nimbys and councillors..” and by local residents committees for areas with curiously lengthened gardens that extend well beyond their initial boundaries and right up to or even into the proposed Northern bank route, hence the focus on the less accessible, less practical significantly more expensive (much more extensive engineering works and additional bridges required) Southern bank. I have heard that the garden extensions were officially sanctioned, but have seen no evidence to support this.
    The Deep Sinking and unfortunately I suspect the whole section from Clonsilla to the Kildare border will be left until everything else is done in the hope that some painless compromise will be arrived at.


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