LISTEN: How road safety relating to cycling is policed in Ireland

How road safety relating to cycling is policed in Ireland by the Gardai is the subject of the latest edition of the Policed Podcast.

The Policed Podcast describes itself as covering how communities and individuals experience policing in Ireland. It is hosted by Dr Vicky Conway, an Associate Professor at the Law School of Law and Governance in DCU.

In the episode, Conway interviews Conn Donovan, chairperson of the Cork Cycling Campaign; and Dr Mike McKillen, former chairperson of

Donovan gives his personal experiences including being brushed off by the Gardai when reporting a motorist who intentionally tried to scare him in a “punishment pass” incident; McKillen gives his years of experience of campaigning, hearing people’s stories and attending Coroner’s Court inquests; and Conway puts it all in the context of how policing is supposed to operate.

You can listen to the Policed Podcast on via iTunes or Soundcloud.

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