Motorists need to give cyclists time and space, says brother of woman killed 5 years ago

“Give Time, Give Space” is the message from the brother of Donna Fox, who died after a collision with a truck drive while she cycled to work in Dublin City centre on September 6 in 2016.

Donna was killed at the junction between Seville Place, Guild Street and Sheriff Street while cycling to work in 2016 when a truck driver turning left failed to see her. The junction, pictured above, has since been redesigned.

Neil Fox said: “‘Give Time, Give Space’ is an appeal to motorists to be conscious of slowing down and giving cyclists room on the roads especially when overtaking and at junctions. Seconds longer to a journey can be the difference between life and death.

Neil said that for her fifth anniversary, she is being remembered today by the new “Give Time, Give Space” campaign for road safety. He said that as traffic increases and restrictions have eased that this appeal is aimed at all motorists.

“It is also a direct appeal to An Gardai Siochana to work at enforcing the 2019 Dangerous Overtaking of a Cyclist legislation in a more robust way and to the Department of Justice to look at how to simplify the system of reporting a dangerous passing. This is a matter of urgency,” he said.

He added: “Donna brightened up the lives of all who knew and loved her. Remembering her with ‘Give Time, Give Space’ I hope will encourage drivers to slow down and give adequate space to cyclists. Cyclists deserve the same respect as all road users. Number of cyclists killed or seriously injured, 6th September to 31 December 2020. Fatalities 43. Serious Injuries 1022. So far this year 4 cyclists lost their lives.”


  1. Thanks Neil for campaigning for us cyclists so much. Donna has not been forgotten. For such a beautiful young girl to be slain like she was is terrible and heartbreaking. The injuries numbers are concerning but the deaths for last Autumn are frightening. Neil’s great work has ensured that her memory stays in our consciousness..


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