Pigeon House Road anti-rat running scheme to go to public consultation

An anti-rat-running scheme, known as a filtered permeability project, on Pigeon House Road in Dublin is to go out to public consultation for two weeks.

A local Dublin City Council engineer for the area, Andrew Duff, said that there will be three options — to make the route permanent, to extend the trail for a second 12 months, or to remove the scheme.

Duff said the project has mainly resolved local congestion and rat-running issues in the area.

Cllr Mannix Flynn (independent) complained that using a conulstaion hub is not enough and that consultation needs to be heavily advertised. He said a city-wide approach was needed. Cllr Flynn later interrupted another councillor who was talking supportive of the scheme.

Cllr Daniel Céitinn (Sinn Féin) said that while there are some concerns, most residents in the area seem to be supportive of the scheme.

Cllr Claire Byrne (Green) said that there was apprehension from residents at first that but she would be surprised if most residents were not supportive.

Cllr Dermot Lacey (Labour) said that it was a good trial and it helped that information was made available and questions answered from the start.


  1. It would be great to see this initiative expanded into other parts of the city. There are lots of rat runs through residential streets that are dangerous for kids especially, but also unpleasant for cyclists and pedestrians generally.

  2. The Dublin City Council is running a consultation on a similar scheme in Donnybrook on the notorious rat-run Belmont Avenue. Option 2 removes all motor traffic from the road and creates a small LTN on this busy cyclist route. If you have a moment you can complete the attached questionnaire and select option 2. The consultation closes on 25 October, so don’t delay!

    Here is the link: https://consultation.dublincity.ie/traffic-and-transport/belmont-avenue-traffic-calming/


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