update: 310k views in 4 months, 315 subscribers, a new system for subscribing

Hello Readers, is reader-funded journalism without a paywall. This site reached 570,000 views in 2022 and 310,00 views so-far in 2023!

If you’re new to, please check out both the News and Comment & Analysis sections. In the last 6 months, the average is around 6-7 articles of different lengths published each week.

Around 315 people support this work by subscribing monthly. If you have already subscribed, thank you!

If you have yet to subscribe, I hope you too can understand the importance of keeping this website’s journalism open for everybody to read. Please consider subscribing today for €5 per month€10 per month, or €20 per month.

Subscribing can now be done directly using the payment system of Stripe, an Irish-American financial services company ranked highly for its security practices. Stripe allows for subscription payment on credit or debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and even direct debit if that suits you.

Previously, pointed users to to manage the user interface to subscribe (Stripe also managed these payments in the background). There were complaints that Ko-Fi was a bit too complicated, especially when payment details needed to be updated etc. Now both those who previously subscribed and any new subscribers can use the new simplified customer portal to manage their subscription. If you’re currently using Ko-Fi and are happy with it, you can stick with it.

For more details on subscribing see:

Thank you,
Cian Ginty

PS: Please subscribe now.

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