Greenway supported unanimously by Waterford councillors

 Dungarvan to Kilmeaden Greenway route map
Dungarvan to Kilmeaden Greenway route map: Phase 1 and 1a have funding – click image to enlarge. Image by EarthRoute Ltd and included as part of the planning files.

Waterford councillors have unanimously voted to approved plans for a 31km greenway between the seaside town of Dungarvan and Kilmeaden, south of Waterford City.

The route — called the Deise Greenway — is to be built on the former Waterford-Dungarvan railway line.

The Deise Greenway campaign group welcomed the move on their Facebook page“Today we can be proud of our elected councillors. Today in the Civic offices in Dungarvan, every councillor voted in favour of the Deise Greenway to go ahead.”

Adding: “Part 8 of planning is now passed. With the new funding just announced and now with the planning in place it can only be a short time before County Waterford gets started on the Deise Greenway. Great news indeed.”

It follows the news last week that Waterford County Council received €897,739 for the 7.2km Clonea section of greenway — which makes up phase one and two of the route (pictured).

The Deise Greenway campaign called that funding “fantastic”. It said: “In total, this is approximately 13km of off-road path (including a current section outside Dungarvan) whose highlights include Ballyvoyle Tunnel, Viaduct & Cove, Clonea Strand, Ballinacourty Point, and the town of Dungarvan. Some parts of the existing Greenway will also be upgraded. From Durrow Station, Waterford city is approx 35kms away. We wait to hear news of the rest of this route… So for now it’s ‘Happy Days'”

The last train services ran on the line in the early 1980s, but unlike the route of the Great Western Greenway, most of the route remains in state ownership. Landowner permission was needed for most of the Great Western Greenway and that has caused some disruption issues since its opening.

The public consultation has now ended, however Part 8 planning files can still be viewed on Waterford County Council’s website. See here for details.

MORE: Deise Greenway on Facebook
Disused Waterford-Dungarvan railway set for greenway conversion
MORE: Kerry and Waterford greenway projects secure €4.3m in National Cycle Network funding


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