577 cyclists fined for road traffic offences in first 6 months

Around 100 people per month have received on-the-spot fines for breaking road traffic offences while cycling a bicycle or rickshaw in just under the first six months of the new system.

The minister for justice confirmed the breakdown of on-the-spot fines — officially called fixed charge notices — for between July 31, 2015 and January 22, 2016:

Offences Number of FCNs issued (since 31 July, 2015)
A cyclist riding a pedal cycle without reasonable consideration 70
No front lamp or rear lamp light lit up during lighting-up hours 125
A cyclist failing to stop for a School Warden sign 0
Cycling in pedestrianised street or area 35
A cyclist proceeding past traffic lights when the red lamp is illuminated 330
A cyclist proceeding past cycle traffic lights when red lamp is lit 16
A cyclist going past a stop line, barrier or half barrier at a railway level crossing, swing bridge or lifting bridge, when the red lamps are flashing 1

The information was released in response to a parliamentary question from Robert Dowds (Dublin Mid West, Labour. Dail record quoted via kildarestreet.com.


  1. I could have used Garda presence for any of the attached incidents:

    Lr Glenageary Road 04/12/15 https://youtu.be/HjF7Rb_lyqo

    Renault ZOE 151 D 33130 04/12/15 https://youtu.be/Aedqz_rPUQY

    Irritated taxi driver 01/02/16: https://youtu.be/QPKtmohcf9o

    Monkstown Farm Red Light 30/01/16: https://youtu.be/D4T2dGsX55U

    Kerb crawling and general Bus Lane driving (at speed), 28/01/16: https://youtu.be/xyIArf8owp4

    Busy day in the cycle lane 26/01/16. It must be all those cars! 26/01/16 https://youtu.be/9SXBMW98ARc

    Cycle lane lotto. 0/01/16 https://youtu.be/qzhnv8vgZMg

  2. And any information on penalty notices for motorists during the same period for similar offences? On my route to work, which crosses the city, but skirts the central area, I see more motorists going through red lights than cyclists. So do we have any figures for that?

    And aside from red light infringements I can’t count the number of vehicles I see each and every day driving above the speed limit, parking on double-yellow lines, dangerous overtaking, driving without due care and attention, driving aggressively, driving whilst on the phone, driving whilst texting, driving whilst using a hand-held device, driving with windows that are fogged up, faulty headlights, faulty indicators, advancing into the cycle area at a traffic light, no indicating whilst turning, crossing over the solid white line in the center of the road to make a U-turn, parking on the path, parking in cycle lanes, driving in cycle lanes, tailgating, no seat-belt, driving with dogs on their laps, fiddling with coffee mugs and not looking what at the feck they should be looking at. And probably lots of other offences that I’m not aware of. And that’s just me on my commute to work. I see far far far far far more infringements of the traffic laws by people in cars than people on bikes.

  3. Are there any stats on what exactly the ones fined for “A cyclist riding a pedal cycle without reasonable consideration” did wrong?

  4. At a guess I’d say that some of them were probably for cycling on the footpath, which isn’t one of the listed offenses (so that kids can continue to cycle on footpaths).

  5. I see cyclists breaking red lights every single day on my way to and from work – Newcomen Bridge in North Strand and any of the Dame Street crossings being particular black spots. In the past week have seen a cyclist knock a woman down on O’Connell Bridge and cycle off.

    No one is arguing that cyclists are the only road users breaking traffic laws, but they do do it. Not once seen any cyclist stopped – those on Dublin bikes seem particularly oblivious to the world around them.


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