Danes to give Dublin’s Bike Week a push

Rush hour in Copenhagen

The Danish Embassy in Dublin are again helping out with Bike Week. They are to host a Danish bicycle photo exhibition by Mikael Colville-Andersen (of copenhagencyclechic.com and copenhagenize.com fame)…

Like last year, there will be a Danish contribution to the Dublin Bike Week, which is part of the annual Irish Bike Week. The contribution will be the Danish photo exhibition ‘Monumental Motion – A cycling life in the Danish capital’ by Mikael Colville-Andersen, which documents the cycling lifestyle of Copenhagen by displaying 50 unique images of everyday cycling life in the Danish capital. Denmark, and especially Copenhagen, are world-renowned for the Danish cycling culture. The artist spent over 4 years documenting bicycle life in the Danish capital, resulting in 50 chosen images from a collection of over 10,000 photos.

The bicycle is an indispensable companion for almost every Dane, and the exhibition hopes to highlight the variety of ways Copenhageners of all ages and wage brackets use the bicycle in their everyday lives. At the same time the exhibition and the healthy bicycle culture should be seen as an important part of the effort being made to transform 21st century cities into high-quality places to live. The role of the bicycle in this effort should not be underestimated.

(via the Dublin Cycling Campaign on Facebook)

1 thought on “Danes to give Dublin’s Bike Week a push”

  1. Great News! But wondering where it came from! As one of the persons coordinating Dublin Bikeweek I haven’t heard about it!?

    Colm Ryder


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