Barrier removal: Quick, easy, cost effective

Sometimes it’s the simple things that makes life easier for cyclists, like removing a small barrier. We recently tweeted this:

Cargo bike, trike, trailer and large pannier users living along the Grand Canal Greenway wish it was that simple for them. South Dublin County Council continue to excluded these people from using the greenway which cost €25 million (including ESB and other utility ducting). A proposed trial to open the service gates at peak hours has not materialised, while locals confirm that the barriers still do not kept horses off the route.

4 thoughts on “Barrier removal: Quick, easy, cost effective”

  1. I am delighted they removed the Barrier from Blackrock Park it was a nuisance for ordinary Bikes but worse for Cargo Bikes and Panniers. I seldom am here ,only on occasional Cycletrips to Dunlaoghaire and Dalky every so often.If the Barriers on the Grand and Royal Canal are not stopping the Horses then they should be widened, the situation with Motorbikes is impossible to control.

    The worst scenario is Cars and Vans being brought along the path,so if the gap is widened just enough for Cargo Bikes then the problem is solved. People should not be deprived from using it just because of Horses. They have Cameras and Loudspeakers on Poles and they work. I was on the Canal with a group of Cyclists at Clondalkin and two children were messing about with the Water with bits of wood. The Loudspeaker came on and warned them to stay away from the water. So if that is the case ,control could always report people with Horses and get them taken away.

    It would depend on how vigilant they are ,when the Camera is manned etc.

  2. Similarly, congratulations to Dun Laoghaire Rathdown CoCo for sorting out the dangerous road marking situation at the bus stop near Bakers Corner.
    If they could address the number of potentially lethal roundabouts next and make Dun Laoghaire town centre even a little cycle friendly, it would be truly a job well done.


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