Female cyclist dies after collision with motorist in Tralee

A 31-year-old female cyclist died last night as a result of injuries she sustained in the collision on Wednesday in Tralee, Co Kerry.

Gardai are investigating the collision.

“A female pedal cyclist in her [30s] was in collision with a car at Rathass, Tralee at approximately 8pm on the 29 of January,” said a Garda statement.

“She was taken to Kerry General Hospital in Tralee in a serious condition and subsequently died last night as a result of injuries sustained in the collision.”

CORRECTION: The victim’s age has been correct to reflect the woman’s age as reported in the case’s court report.


2 thoughts on “Female cyclist dies after collision with motorist in Tralee”

  1. Why do they always state the Cyclist was in a collision with a car,this happens extremely rarely. What usually happens is the Car was in a collision with the Cyclist ,the Car struck the Cyclist.They should get it right the first time,it implies that they are lessening the Motorists culpability in the accident. They are also very economical about the events,just a statement that the Cyclist was in a collision and died. Better to call it an RTA or RTC RoadTraffic Accident or Road Traffic Collision. We shall probably never know what really happened ,they never want to give out the reasons why.

    There never is a follow up with them trying to improve conditions on the section of the Rad to stop this happening in future. It is just filed away and becomes a statistic.


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