Irish Cycle Facility of the Week

April 7, 2014:


This is the outbound start of the 1.6km Route 7 of the Ballina Urban Cycle Network is part of a “bunny hop or walk” cycle network — with the other routes of the network over 500 or 700 meters on the other side of the town centre, with congested roads and one-way systems in between.

This shared use path — a footpath with markings painted on it — offers both moving and static obstacles.


Narrow sections ensure cyclists are kept to a nice walking speed.


But where it’s easy, cyclists are given the option to use a… err… high-speed bypass…


…with a high-quality double 90 degree turn entry point and…


…a high-quality dirt surface….


…which only gets better.


Good cyclists keep within the lines as the cycle lane crosses a park’s car park and stops at the entrance to the car park…


…but sometimes it seems cyclists are not the ones who try the hardest to keep within these lines.


Then we’re on to painted line-separated shared use, followed by more general shared use (as pictured) with another double 90 degree turn….


…then back on the road-side footpath for more high-quality narrow sections with polls…


…and this fantastic transition from the footpath to an on-road cycle lane.


But don’t worry the cycle lane ends a bit down the road where you give a good bye hug to motor traffic and…


…there’s more nice shared use footpath!…


…with more high-quality surfacing.


But what’s this just meters after joining the footpath?


The legal use of cycling on the footpath ends with a magic bunny hopping point which — without any drop kerb back onto the road — will bring you to your destination. Or maybe you can walk. Or maybe just stick to the car?

Location: Route 7 outbound of the Ballina Urban Cycle Network, Co Mayo
Local body/authority: Ballina Town Council / Mayo County Council
Street View: Route starts from here (but currently not shown in Street View)

Send suggestions to [email protected]. And make sure to view the original and UK-focused facility of the month page on Warrington Cycle Campaign’s website.

4 thoughts on “Irish Cycle Facility of the Week”

  1. HA ha ha. Nice joke, it must be April. Very good, show us the real Ballina Urban Cycle Network now. Nobody could be that stupid, not even here in good ol’ Oirland!!!

    • @MiddleMan It’s no longer just a footpath when a shared use sign is put up — it’s a shared use path. Most people who cycle would prefer space on the roadway or fully segregated cycle paths.


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