IMAGES: Royal Canal Greenway from Castleknock to Ashtown

Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar is today due to open the Castleknock to Ashtown section of the Royal Canal Greenway, but thanks to readers Liam Egan and Sam Boles we have a sneak preview.

The greenway is planned to eventually link Dublin City with Galway City, and it forms part of the European route called EuroVelo 2. Planning and construction is ongoing across Ireland, last week Galway County Council said it is to look at route options at its end (past where the canal ends), and recently we covered how the sections in the Dublin area are due to go to planning stage (Any progress on the Royal Canal Greenway in Dublin?).

The first three images are from Liam Egan:




Despite consultations warning that people cycling would ignore the advice to walk, a  “cyclists dismount” sign is used where the canal tow path narrows as it crosses of the M50:

cyclists dismount

The following images are from Sam Boles.

Sam writes: “The gradient at the 11th lock has been changed and is less steep.  The small bridge before the M50 doesn’t appear to have had the gradient changed much on either approach. There is no direction as to whether cyclists should go over or under this bridge, but I recall from the plans that they’re intended to go over. Other photos on boards show the new rails at the M50 crossing. There are “CYCLISTS DISMOUNT” signs on both sides of the aqueduct.”

He adds: “The gradient up to the Castleknock access point is much more manageable with the improved surface. (I can’t tell if this has been made less steep).”

Both readers were — like many others — using the route while the finishing touches were yet to take place:


The next two images are of the junction at the Ashtown end of the route — the towpath is between the canal and a railway line:



The entry point after the cream/yellow building pictured above:


Sam writes: “This image shows a gravel path leading to the M3 parkway railway station platform. I don’t know if there is provision for an entrance here but it would certainly be possible. There would be a very long detour otherwise”:


Like the Grand Canal Greenway, the route has Waterways Ireland “Code of Conduct” sign (text below):


–          Pedestrians have priority over cyclists
–          Consider and respect other users and the local environment
–          Observe signs and path markings
–          Use the bins provided


–          Ring bell for pedestrians and other users
–          Pass people slowly, give people space
–          Ride at an appropriate and safe speed for all


–          Listen for cyclist bells
–          Allow cyclists to pass safely
–          Keep dogs on a leash


MORE: Royal Canal Greenway design puts users at “increased risk”
MORE: Any progress on the Royal Canal Greenway in Dublin?

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  1. Keep dogs on a leash? I got knocked off by one on the greenway last week, not on a leash. Also they have now put gates in place, presumably to block access for motorbikes etc but i saw a lad this morning with panniers he had to lift his bike over as it wouldn’t fit through. If they want to encourage cyclo- tourists, they need to look at this


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