— River Dodder Greenway is planned to link D24, D4, D2
— Route could cost over €23 million
— Urban, commuter section to be built first
A greenway following the River Dodder from the Tallaght area to Grand Canal Square in the Dublin Docklands has taken a step forward as the councils involved are seeking project management services for its development.
The route is billed as “River Dodder Greenway from the Sea to the Mountains”, as it will link Grand Canal Dock to the Dublin Mountains.
The greenway crosses the boundaries of Dublin City Council, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, and South Dublin County Council. With the plan being project managed by South Dublin County Council.
“South Dublin County Council are currently seeking to procure Project Management and Environmental Consultancy Services for this proposed walking and cycling route along the length of the River Dodder from Bohernabreena in South Dublin County to Grand Canal Docks in Dublin City,” the tender documents on Etenders.ie states.
It adds: “Working as Team Leader with the appointed engineering consultants the successful tenderer will be required to Project Manage & Co-ordinate the Statutory Planning Processes in relation to the project and provide Project Management and Environmental Consultancy Services in relation to Environmental Constraints Study, screening for Appropriate Assessment, Appropriate Assessment, Environmental Report, screening for Environment Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Statement.”
The tender said that “Consulting engineers (multiple) have been, or shall be, appointed to carry out the preliminary design of the route.”
IrishCycle.com will have further details of the route later this week.
Would love to see this finished! What a great resource Dublin has in the Dodder, yet sections of it are overgrown and inaccessible.
Yes, looking forward to any development that provides access to a beautiful resource and encourages an active lifestyle. I hope that cyclists don’t assume they will have exclusive rights to this area, walkers and dog walkers have been maintaining a healthy lifestyle while looking after their dogs in sections of the river dodder for years. The councils should be planning to facilitate all parties interested in using these facilities.
Interesting (and frightening) to see that seven different Environmental Reports will be required during the process. Hopefully there are no spotted slugs lurking in the overgrowth.
Deja vu perhaps? These guys were planning to start building the route in 2013 apparently! http://www.rod.ie/dodder-river-cycleway/
@ Shane — This is the next step. ROD & Co so-far were mainly working on route options. They came up with a report and we are planning on covering the details of that now that we have it.
But as per that link you posted, the project is running behind:
“The team has put forward options for consideration and made a recommendation for a preferred route. It is hoped that the scheme could start construction in late 2013” – See more at: http://www.rod.ie/dodder-river-cycleway/#sthash.vJ519fJz.dpuf
I agree with Joe above………………..although given that there are people who believe dogs walkers should be banned I am very doubtful that any consideration will be given to the hundreds of dog walkers……..
It will probably have the same Code of Practice that applies on the new Royal Canal Greenway at Castleknock/Ashtown – pedestrians have priority but have to “allow cyclists to pass safely” and must keep dogs on a leash. Understandable but probably not much use as an efficient commuter route.
That code of practise is specific to Waterways Ireland managed towpaths afaik. I would suggest (in the absence of full segregation, which looks unlikely) that dog walkers be allowed let their dogs off leads at off peak times, (eg. 10:00 – 16:00, 19:00 – 07:00). I’ve seen time limited dog-leash rules in other parks although I don’t recall where. Dog walkers, like cyclists, are unlikely to comply with rules that seem unreasonable.
A notable inconsistency near the pictured area: There are signs that say “Cycling is strictly prohibited” at the underpass at Orwell Road that are about 10 years old and then newer signs telling cyclists to yield to pedestrians further along the path.