Ireland’s cycling sporting body appeals to 22k members to support Liffey Cycle Route

In an unprecedented move, Ireland’s cycling sporting body Cycling Ireland has appealed to its membership of over 22,000 people to support the planned Liffey Cycle Route.

Cycling Ireland states on its website: “This project has the potential to put cycling firmly to the fore as a real commuting and tourist option in Dublin. In recent years, due in no small part to the success of the Bike Rental and the Bike-to-Work schemes, cyclist numbers have soared – a cycle-friendly route along the Liffey, the main artery to city, would further catapult numbers taking to the bike, and could tip the balance in favour of Dublin becoming a true cycling city.”

They say they “strongly urges members” to go online to complete the feedback form before Friday April 17, 2015. It recommends option 2, which includes a continuous two-way cycle path on the river side of the north quays.

While Cycling Ireland does not comment on all of the four options, it says that option 4, which includes non-continuous cycle tracks and lanes on both sides of the river, would “preserves the status quo of secondary cycle structures”.

The group advises members: “While there are four options for consideration, the last, which preserves the status quo of secondary cycle structures on both sides of the river, would not be of benefit to cyclists. Realistically, Option Two, which would create a two-way cycling facility, while removing buses at the pinch points on Arran and Ellis Quays, would be of greatest benefit to cyclist’s safety and comfort. As commercial interests have already expressed opposition to the proposal, cyclists need to be counted in large numbers by registering their views, so please go online as soon as you can.” recently recomended support for option 3, which is very simular to option 2, but option 3 inlcudes better bus prorty and an extension of a park to the river side between Parkgate Street and Blackhall Place. This website recommends that support should be conditional on better design including the removal of shared use areas, where walking and cycling are mixed.

MORE: 12 reasons why the Liffey Cycle Route should be supported
MORE: Feedback open on Liffey Cycle Route for Dublin’s quays
MORE: Majority of businesses objecting to Liffey Cycle Route own car parks
MORE: Why #3 is the best of the Liffey Cycle Route options — but it needs some reworking

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