Public consultation opens on Royal Canal Greenway in Dublin City

— Route will form part of Dublin-Galway Greenway

Dublin City Council has published details of a planned 7.1 km cycling and walking route from Sheriff Street Upper to Ashtown along the Royal Canal.

The overall route includes four phases — phase 1 running from Guild Street to Sheriff Street Upper is already constructed; phase 2 runs from Sheriff Street Upper to North Strand Road; phase 2 runs from  North Strand Road to Phibsborough Road; and phase 4 runs from Phibsborough Road to the Dublin City Council / Fingal County Council border at Ashtown.

The project includes shared and segregated surfacing, CCTV, public lighting, new bridges over railway tracks, new ramps up to road level, toucan crossings, and access restrictions mainly using bollards. The city council has previously stated that it would not use restrictive kissing gates which hinder access for many types of users, from wheelchairs and prams to cargo bicycles.

(article continues below image)

Cross section Royal Canal DDC area
An example of a cross-section drawings. Source: Dublin City Council

The route is part of the Dublin Galway Greenway. Fingal has already upgraded the towpath from Ashtown to Castleknock and works are ongoing to upgrade sections of the towpath along the canal as far Mullingar in the midlands. A route between Mullingar and Athlone is under construction along a disused railway, while the remainder of the route between Athlone and Galway is in planning.

For the Dublin City Council sections, members of the public or groups who wish to make submissions or observations should do so in writing to Executive Manager, Planning Department, Dublin City Council, Block 4 Floor 3 Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 before 16.30 on Friday July 24, 2015. No email address for submissions is given on the city council website.

The reports and drawings can be viewed at, purchased at the Dublin City Council Wood Quay offices or viewed at the following locations: Charleville Mall Library, Phibsborough Library, the City Council Cabra Area Office, and Cabra Library.

MORE: Drawings and reports at
MORE: A detailed look at the Royal Canal Greenway in Dublin City

4 thoughts on “Public consultation opens on Royal Canal Greenway in Dublin City”

  1. looks good so far, they just need to make sure that the path is regularly cleaned, most bike tracks are covered in glass at some points…not healthy for tyres

  2. But this route is already there insofar as you can cycle carfee all along this route. So it’s not a new “planned cycling & walking route” as the council are describing it.


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