#FreeTheCycleLanes hashtag to highlight car parking in cycle lanes

A hashtag was launched yeasterday to highlight cars blocking cycle lanes, just in time for the start of National Bike Week across Ireland.

The Dublin Cycling Campaign said on its website: “Earlier this week, one of our supporters, Vinnie Quinn highlighted the illegal parking in the cycle lane on Westland Row of a cash in transit van and again the following morning of a food delivery van at same location. All that sparked the idea of a twitter hashtag campaign, just in time for Bike Week too. After some discussion we came up with an appropriate hashtag – #FreeTheCycleLanes.”

The campaign recommends tweeting only photographs which demonstrate the problem of cars blocking in cycle lanes. They say to include the location, the #FreeTheCycleLanes hashtag and @dublincycling — feel free to also CC @irishcycle and we will also retweet your tweet.

As long as cars are parked on public roads or streets, you do not generally need permission to take photographs of cars in public or to publish such images. However, parking or loading in cycle lanes is not always illegal, so it’s best not to accuse drivers of breaking the law — let photographs speak for themselves.

2 thoughts on “#FreeTheCycleLanes hashtag to highlight car parking in cycle lanes”

  1. from what i understand a cycle lane with a broken white line is an advisory lane and that means cars and vehicle are allowed to use that space for driving and for parking if needed and not blocking the highway. However a solid white line is a mandatory cycle lane and vehicles must not use it unless stated.


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