In numbers: Bicycle thefts in Ireland

According to Gardai:

  • Over the last 10 years the level of bike theft has increased by 227%
  • There was around 6,750 reported bicycle thefts in 2014, equating to a monetary loss in the region of €4 million.
  • To end May 2015 there have been in excess of 2,100 reported bike thefts nationally, with in excess of 1,600 (76%) reported in the Dublin Region
  • Only 10% of bike owners are able to provide An Garda Síochána with the bicycle frame number
  • Many bicycles recovered by gardai are sold off because the owners did not report they or did not have an accurate description of the bicycle. Recovered bicycles are disposed of through auctioneers Wilsons Auctions. In the last three years Wilsons have sold, on behalf of An Garda Síochána, approximately 2,500 bicycles.
  • If you have had a bicycle stolen recently, the Gardai Flickr page has images of bicycles they have recovered but can’t attach to owners (as with the bicycle pictured above). You can check out the Flickr page here:

In 2014:

  • 34% of all thefts were reported in Dublin City Centre,
  • 40% in the rest of the Dublin Metropolitan Region and
  • 26% outside of the Dublin Metropolitan Region.
  • Twice as many bikes are stolen during the summer months, peaking in July, August and September
  • Two thirds of bikes are stolen from public places
  • The most likely time is weekday afternoons
  • One third are stolen from residential locations, houses, sheds, gardens etc…
  • The most likely time is overnight

To avoid or reduce the impact of bike theft, the Gardai recommend:

  • ALWAYS double lock your bike, even at home
  • USE quality locks, spend 10% – 15% of the value of the bicycle
  • LOCK the bicycle to an immovable object
  • Record your bicycle frame/ serial number – Take a photograph of your bicycle
  • Print out and complete BIKE Card (below)
  • ALWAYS report bike thefts to An Garda Síochána

B.I.K.E. Card

According to the Gardai, they continues to target bike theft on an ongoing basis. A press release said: “Specific operations are in place in Dublin City Centre using ‘Bait’ Bikes to target bike thieves. Over recent weeks An Garda Síochána are trialling the use of GPS trackers, to test their effectiveness in preventing/ detecting bike thefts. This testing is currently ongoing.”


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