— Reckless cycling on footpaths to be covered by higher offense
Minister for transport Paschal Donohoe has said he has removed cycling on footpaths from a list of current offence which will be covered by planned on-the-spot fines. He said that he did not want to stop parents from cycling on footpaths with children.
UPDATED: The department of transport has confirmed this afternoon that it will announce which of the 36 road traffic offences for cycling will be brought into the Fixed Charge Notice system, commonly known as on-the-spot fines. All of the possible on-the-spot fines are already offences. There will be no new rules added. The planned change will only mean that fines can be handed out by gardai, rather bringing bicycle users to court — which is the only current option beyond a warning.
As we reported recently the department had a draft list of 15 offences to be covered by on-the-spot fines — this was subject to change and footpath cycling is one of the offences removed since the draft list was circulated.
Cycling on footpaths however will still remain against the law, as it is now, and Gardai will be still able to prosecute such offenses via the courts. The minister has also said that a more general on-the-spot fine — for cycling “without a reasonable consideration” — could also apply to cycling on footpaths where other road users are endangered.
Speaking to Newstalk Lunchtime the minister said he did not want to stop families from using footpaths.
“I’m not going to change the status quo,” Minister Donohoe said. “I’m aware of circumstances where an adult could be with a minor who is on a bike and they are … on a footpath” for the child’s safety.”
“We will be bringing in a fixed charge notice for anyone who cycles in a way that is not safe for them or any other road user,” he said.
Source and audio clip: Newstalk FM