Cycle lanes and cycle paths to form part of more people-centric Waterford city centre

Waterford City and County Council have published details of the Waterford City Centre Urban Renewal plan, which includes cycle lanes, cycle paths and contra-flow cycle routes.

The council said that the “changes to traffic layout in the city centre, including the provision of measures to improve pedestrian, cycle and public transport access and to minimise unnecessary ‘through’ traffic.”

The details and drawings of the plan can be found on Here’s an example of some of the changes:



Waterford 5 Waterford 6Waterford 4 Waterford 3 Waterford 2 Waterford 1


IMAGES: Waterford City and County Council

7 thoughts on “Cycle lanes and cycle paths to form part of more people-centric Waterford city centre”

  1. I have been to Waterford City a few times, the last time I cycled there was back in 1999 on a little tour as far as Ring/ an rinn and Dungarvan then back along the Copper Coast to Tramore and Waterford City.

    I hope they put in consistant Cycle Tracks that do not end after 10 metres. What you want is long distance Cycleways going on for many KM . They have a golden opportunity to do it right and not muck it up. I like the Contre Flow they said are putting in.

  2. We also have the St.John’s river cycleway due to open in a few weeks a continuous line joining the Tramore cycle lane with Waterford City centre then there is the Waterford – Dungarvan continuous cycleway openining 2016.

  3. Last image looks horrible with some dangerous interactions and cycles having to cross turning lanes. Certainly could do better there.

  4. Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development would be situated, may be made in writing, to The Director of Services, Economic Development & Planning Services, Waterford City & County Council, c/o Mr. R. Maddock, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford before 4pm on 11th August 2015.


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