Temporary eastbound cycling ban needed on St Stephen’s Green North says NTA

— “No available space at the Dawson Street junction to safely accommodate eastbound cyclists” says National Transport Authority. 

Luas Cross City work is centered around not block access to car parks, but the same can’t be said about the major area of bicycle parking dotted around the St Stephen’s Green end of Grafton Street.

Shoppers using bicycles have complained about the lack of access from the bottom Grafton Street to Dawson Street as they claim there is enough space to pass on the street. However, the Luas project team claim there is no space at the junction of Dawson Street.

Sara Morris, a spokeswoman for the NTA, said: “Works are underway at the junction of St Stephen’s Green North and Dawson Street to lay the new Luas tracks through this junction. Arising from the extent of the works, it has been necessary to limit road carriageway movement on the St Stephen’s Green North axis through this junction, to one lane only in the westbound direction.”

She added: “Accordingly, all eastbound movements along the section of St Stephen’s Green North between Grafton Street and Dawson Street have had to be prohibited while the current phase of works is on-going at the junction with Dawson Street. This restriction includes cyclists, as there is no available space at the Dawson Street junction to safely accommodate eastbound cyclists.”

3 thoughts on “Temporary eastbound cycling ban needed on St Stephen’s Green North says NTA”

  1. More evidence that people who cycle just don’t count when push-comes-to-shove – we take the hind tit!
    A road authority has by law to consider the needs of all road users (Road Act, 1993).
    I had to complain to three Dublin Bus inspectors standing on Dawson Street yesterday after I had alighted from the No. 145 to say that in my view some of its drivers were driving far too fast through the Luas works in the presence of cyclists. I got no comment.

  2. @Mike, if you think some bus drivers are driving too fast, you’re probably better off writing directly to Dublin Bus. If you direct it to the Safety Officer / Customer Services, it might get acted on.

    My personal experience of Dublin Bus drivers is generally positive. I find they have a good awareness of cyclists, so i expect their training programme is effective. Also, at a recent meeting of Dublin City Cycling, the general response from the room was similar to mine, so I’m not unique in Dublin. I think we should recognise the good work done to date.

    Nevertheless, your point is important. This will be the case as long as the Luas works continues (and road space is limited) over the next two years.

    • @ Hugh, I’d broadly agree with you but there are some drivers who are really poor or who take too much risk when overtaking bicycles.

      Some routes and areas are worse than others.


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