Cars to be allowed on quays up to O’Connell Street

Dublin City Council are allow cars on Bachelors Walk on the quays up to O’Connell Street to access car parks off and north of that street.

The details were published in the Dublin City Centre Transport Study (15MB PDF), it includes a u-turn on the city’s plan to ban private traffic from Bachelors Walk and potential car restrictions on the south quays. The city had received positive international media attention for the scope of the original plan.

Bus advocates claim this was a key restriction to enable buses to be moved away from College Green, where the city is planning a plaza which will require buses to be diverted — the quays already carry a large volume of buses and this could close to double once the College Green diversions are put in place.

The full 123 page report can be downloaded here: Dublin City Centre Transport Study (15MB PDF) it is to be debated at the city council transport committee today. The following are listed as key “Locations of Site Specific Measures”:





10 thoughts on “Cars to be allowed on quays up to O’Connell Street”

  1. I’ve got a good idea; all these cars are so critical to everything we do, why don’t we build a massive 10 storey high multistory car park over the river Liffey, say from Wolfe Tone quay to Sir John Rogersons quay. It could the focal point of the city – just think of all the tourism it could bring

  2. FFS, what is with peoples obsession with these noisy dangerous smelly and noxious things called cars. So, if they’re not going to ban them, are they going to bring in a congestion charge? A BIG one to ensure that it covers all the negative societal effects cars have on all our lives.

  3. Also, what is this hold that taxis have on Dub City Co? Taxis everybloodywhere. Taxis are just private cars for hire. They’re not public transport. They do nothing to ease congestion or pollution or wear on roads etc etc compared to a normal private car. Why are they allowed in the numbers they are? And they’re not even proper black-cab taxis with ease of access for everyone including the disabled. All we have are crappy private cars for hire with a logo on the side.

  4. What’s chance does Dublin ever have of offering transport choice to people, when one very inefficient and damaging mode continues to be subsidised and prioritised in terms of space and access ?

    The existence of these car parks are only encouraging the over dependence on private cars for independent mobility. Maybe a mass boycott of the businesses who continue to lobby for this archaic status quo is called for at this stage. Why should the rest of us have to be inconvenienced and be at risk of loosing life or limb because of this pure greed, laziness and bullying ?

  5. Here’s my novel suggestion: Ban all private motorcars within the canals or Circular Roads [exception emergency vehicles and buses].

  6. @aka
    Some of us on here are already out there, working with groups that are doing such lobbying. They come on here just to contribute to the discussion on Cian’s hard work putting together these very useful articles.

    Over 900 people signed a petition supporting the College Green Plaza, that I started And hopefully an good number of them also make their views known to the council through the public consulation process.

    The Dublin Cycling Campaign are such a group to support in Dublin and nationally. If people don’t have the free time to volunteer, they can become a member by joining at As a voluntary organisation such income from subscriptions is important to remain independent.

    @Cian, hope you don’t mind the plug. Just the opportunity. Thanks, Kevin.

  7. A congestion charge on all private cars would help even out the costs in terms of private vs public transport. We hear a lot about how expensive it is to take a family into the city on a bus or train. Why don’t Dub City Co introduce a congestion charge to help balance that equation.

  8. I was able to watch part of the broadcast from the meeting today at Dub City Co. When asked about your proposal 6, the guy (Christopher?) said it wasn’t feasible. He didn’t fully explain why. Is there any way that the reasoning behind this can be made public? Dub City Co are using our money to pay for these consultations so they should be made public, imo.


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