Only 16 motorists given points for driving in cycle lane in two years

A total of only 16 people were given penalty points for driving illegally in cycle tracks, in 2014 and 2015 combined.

The figures break down as just 5 in 2014 and 11 in 2015.

A cycle track is the legal name given to both on-road cycle lanes and most types of cycle paths in Ireland, although not greenways or cycleways.

It is illegal to drive or across a cycle track marked with a solid white line unless accessing a driveway or other area on the other side of the cycle track. 

The low enforcement numbers are despite many motorists daily abusing the law on cycle lanes to undertake cars turning right, or to undercut congested traffic to turn left. In some urban areas it it also common for some motorcyclists to skip congested by using cycle lanes.

The data was released by the Department of Transport to a member of the public after a Freedom of Information request.

Data on parked cars was not released as part of the request as the request looked for penalty points offences and motorists  parking on cycle tracks is not a standalone offence — although parking dangerously could involve a cycle lane, it also covers other dangerous parking.

However, we previously reported that Gardai only fined 112 motorists for blocking cycle lanes in the same time period as officers stopped and fined bicycle users for 244 cycling-related offences.

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