Council releases “alternative” Liffey Cycle Route solution

— Solution with allow 4.5 continuous two-way cycle path between Phoenix Park and Point Village.

Another solution for the pinch point on the Liffey quays around Smithfield is now under consideration by Dublin City Council.

The new solution would not involve  diverting cars off the quays but instead would involve a traffic light priority system for buses at the worst part of the pinch point where the quays meet Queen Street and Mellows Bridge.

The cycle route will use boardwalks on both sides of the historic Mellows Bridge, but instead of intersecting with the bridge the two-way cycle path will swing inside the quay wall and use the existing roadway space. This will narrow the roadway to one lane at the bridge.

The solution will be a compromise for all road users. It will likely mean some kind of delay for buses andprivate motorists, while the cycle path will cross footpaths four times in a short section of the quays. The design at the James Joyce Bridge also seems to include shared footpath surfaces for cycling and walking.

It will debated at the city council’s transport committee meeting next week.
More details of the alternative design can be found on the website of Cllr Ray McAdam. We’ll post further details and the full report when we get it.

3 thoughts on “Council releases “alternative” Liffey Cycle Route solution”

  1. Even aside from any public transport or cyclist perspective, just take the cars off the quays. It’ll make the city a nicer place to be. I look forward to the people of Dublin eventually coming around to the reality that cars are noisy, smelly, polluting, wasteful, ugly and dangerous. And then voting to prevent them entering the city at all, and finally freeing up the city-scape for its citizens once more.

  2. Right away there is a conflict with Pedestrians and Cyclists with both getting in the way of each other. Will they ever get it right,keep Cyclists and Pedestrians away from each other.

    They still do not want to upset the Motorists in any way.

  3. If there’s room for a a cycle path north of the footpath at the bridge, then there’s room for the footpath to be placed north of the cyclepath, removing two bike/walking crossings for people going east/west. You also have a much shorter pedestrian crossing from the footpath north to Queen st.


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