Photoshop used to highlight repainting of cycle lane half overgrown with grass

South Dublin County Council has just half repainted while lines defining cycle paths on a road in Templeogue in Dublin — only half, because the other edge of the cycle path is covered in grass.

The half repainting job on Cypress Grove Road was highlighted by @IsMiseNessy on Twitter with some Photoshopping. She wrote: “Which bright spark’s idea is to waste €’s painting cycle lanes that cyclists can’t use? Could ye not have removed the overgrown grass too?”

In some locations along the road, Google Street View images from different years tracks the growth of the grass onto the cycle paths. As the above image shows, the grass is now encroaching on nearly half of some parts of the cycle paths.

Street View also shows how the lines marking out the cycle path used to be painted on both sides of the path:

The now aged design of the Cypress Grove Road route is a Dutch-inspired (but not quite Dutch design) with cycling losing priority at minor side roads — not a very Dutch design element:

4 thoughts on “Photoshop used to highlight repainting of cycle lane half overgrown with grass”

  1. That’s ridiculous and a half arsed effort by authorities and perhaps by community, like they should be getting it improved for their children’s safety.

  2. Ah well now, dat be demarcation. We only paint lines on roads, the parks dept are responsible for de grass and will get round to it whenever…


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