Guidance booklet aims to up the standard of bicycle parking in Dublin City 

Guidance on the provision of bicycle parking was launched this morning by the Dublin Cycling Campaign.

The guidance is focused on the Dublin City Council area and is aimed at planners, developers, employers, and property management companies.

On its website, the campaign said: “In the past, there has been an under provision of secure cycle parking in apartment complexes in Dublin. This has led to bicycles being stored in apartments and on balconies potentially detracting from visual amenity and increasing maintenance costs for communal areas.”

It added: “The quality and quantity of cycle parking provision in apartment developments should encourage residents to adopt cycling as a sustainable mode of transport.”

The guidance can be found here and you can contact the campaign directly at
The guidance aims to get the details right, here’s a sample:


  1. I applaud anything that might reduce the amount of dreadfully poor bike parking facilities out there. The number of people who seem to think bolting a toast rack next to a wall is acceptable is frustrating.


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