— Buses and coaches to park again on cycle paths and footpath on Alfie Byrne Road.
— Practice is to close cycle path rather than close roadway continues.
Concert goers in the San Francisco Bay Area enjoyed free valet bicycle parking when U2 played at the Levi’s Stadium in May, but, for the band’s homecoming this weekend, Dublin is to close a section of its longest continuous cycle path.
Brendan English at the Garda press office, said: “Dublin City Council have approved all road closures for this event so I would refer your query to them. Stewards are employed at the location for the duration of the event for the safety of all concerned.”
Dublin City Council has not replied to repeated requests for comment on the closure of the cycle path at the Alfie Byrne Road. The road has been used for concerts but the council has yet to clarify what legal means is being used for the closure.
As we reported, it was claimed the cycle path was closed for a recent Coldplay concert for “safety reasons”.
The situation in Dublin contrasts to the San Francisco, where concert, sporting and other events are legally mandated to have secure, guarded bicycle parking for events.
For the U2 gig, the Levi’s Stadium website said: “Bicycle parking will be located outside of Intel Gate A pedestrian bridge. All ticketed guests will be permitted the use of the San Tomas Aquino Creek trail beginning at 2pm. The Silicon Valley bicycle coalition will be administering this operation.”
On its website, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition explains: “Valet bike parking is like a coat check for bicycles. Cyclists are issued tickets in exchange for their bikes and our staff guards them in a secure enclosure. Over the years, we have parked tens of thousands of bikes and have an excellent safety record.”
The groups says that its service gives “event attendees peace of mind – People don’t ride to events where they have to worry about their bikes being stolen or vandalized. A bike parking service ensures that even small bicycle accessories and lights will be safe.”
Another benefit listed for the service at Levi’s Stadium is the ability to “Skip the long bag check lines — leave your belongings on your bicycle when you hand it over to the bike parking team. After, pick up your bike and ride on out easy. Our longest line ever at event’s end has been 12 minutes.”
The nearby San Francisco Bicycle Coalition run a similar services for events in its area. It’s website says: “Monitored bicycle parking is required for events requiring a street closure and with an anticipated number of participants greater than 2,000 (SF Administrative Code, Section 2.76). While we’re not the only bike parking solution, we pride ourselves on being the best one.”
Update: The Dublin Cycling Campaign said this morning that “The Croke Park event parking plan, which sacrifices the cycle lane on Alfie Byrne Road for private coach parking, is totally unacceptable.”
IMAGES: Photos of bus parking for recent Coldplay concert thanks to @CitizenW0lf on Twitter.
To be honest I don’t really mind them closing the road like this. It does make me concerned that any random coach driver may think it is ok to park on the cycle lane though.
What does irritate me is the extreme hypocrisy of telling us (via Shane Ross, the RSA and the guards) that cyclists MUST use cycle lanes ‘for safety’ but then turning around and telling us it is fine to use the road if they need the cycle lane to park coaches. Somehow also ‘for safety’.
It is almost like ‘safety’ is just a meaningless magical word that you utter to justify anything you like.
I would tend to disagree. A bicycle lane is either a bicycle lane or it isn’t. It cannot be turned into a Bus carpark when it suits. Concert licenses should be revoked unless proper dedicated non-cycle lane coach parking facilities are provided.
There are two lanes in the direction heading towards the camera on the first photo. Why not close one of those lanes for the purpose of parking the buses? I can’t even begin to understand the reasoning to justify closing cycling and pedestrian paths when that option exists.
Of far greater concern to me is the permanent damage to the cycle track pavement. Such pavements are not normally designed for several tonnes of parked up coaches and when damaged, generally remain so for a long time. Uneven cycle tracks leads some cyclists to chose to brave-it on the road and face the ire of drivers. This country!
Also just for info, the East Wall Road footpath is also being used during these events. the footpath on the East Wall Road was repaired earlier this year (how much did that cost? €100K? More?) due to vehicles parking on it. So, will the footpath have to be repaired yet again to subsidize these private events, and to allow private transport companies to not pay their way?
It seems strange that the buses could not line up at a discharge area and then go and park elsewhere,after the gig they could reverse the procedure. Has no one asked saint bonio what he thinks of the arrangement .