Could Gardai #FreeTheCycleLanes by copying the Toronto Police Service?

Policing of motorists illegally using cycle lanes in Ireland is often left to traffic wardens or private clampers, but Toronto has chosen a different direction — the police force there has formed a dedicated unit to crackdown on the issue.

The three parking enforcement officers who are part of the squad are all on twitter — Kyle AshleyErin Urquhart, and Sabrina Kloetzig, and the team have received a lot of local media attention:

The three regularly highlight poor parking in the way Irish campaigners do with the  #freethecyclelanes — the difference is, the officers are also ticketing the offenders. Yes, @gardatraffic highlights and sometimes tickets, but at a much lower level for parking issues and lower again regarding cycle lanes.

They respond to requests for enforcement:

And get positive feedback for it:

The team also shows examples of good loading, which does not block cycle lanes:


The high-profile push was planned by police management:


Political will may also be needed to tackle the issue:

5 thoughts on “Could Gardai #FreeTheCycleLanes by copying the Toronto Police Service?”

  1. When I look around everyday and see what the Gardai do in relation to enforcement of cycle-lanes and prioritized/targeted safety on our streets in general; and compare them to the example above and what some of the UK police-services do; I’m left with the strange feeling that somehow I’m glimpsing an alternate reality. There’s just so much of a gap in the approach…..

  2. Sadly Citizen Wolf echoes my concerns too. The Garda members are not at the races in relation to protecting vulnerable road users (VRUs) from #freethecyclelanes/fly-parking, dangerous overtaking, inappropriate speeding, checking HGV permits in Dublin City, distracted driving, etc.
    I know Traffic Corps numbers have fallen to under 700 members but the ordinary members out-on-beat can do much more.The entire force should be out on bikes while patrolling so that all members/officers understand vulnerability in traffic.
    Hanging around street corners handing out hi-vis is not active policing to protect VRUs. It’s a stunt!

  3. ANY level of enforcement would be an improvement on what is happening on our streets. The safety of pedestrians and cyclists is completely ignored by the members of AGS. DCC also has a lot to answer for also. The traffic warden team is being reduced and seems to be that the plan is to close it down. It is a desperate situation that no city should have to deal with. Management at both DCC and AGS should be made accountable for the lack of leadership on the issue.

  4. Traffic wardens? We have traffic wardens? Actually I haven’t seen a Garda in ages either. A little bit of enforcement would be an improvement.


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