NTA suspends funding for Liffey Cycle Route

Funding for and work on the Liffey Cycle Route is now suspended, councillors at the Dublin City Council transport committee meeting were told in the last half hour.

After intense local opposition to traffic rerouting, the National Transport Authority wants all options — of which a total of 15-16 were looked at — reviewed by independent consultants.

A number of councillors said it was an indictment of councillors that they could not reach a decision and they predicted that another person will be killed cycling the quays before the route is upgraded. 

There was heated discussion in the chamber after Cllr Paul Hand refered to the opposition as including NIMBYs, motor heads and  a “political dinosaur”, referring directly to Joe Costello, a former Labour government minister.

Cllr Janice Boylan (SF) rejected the claim of NIMBYs, said there was real fear and claimed there was no scaremongering.

Councillors had concflicting views on if Option 7 or 8 was most popular locally and more widely, and which is the better option. 

More to follow in the coming days.

5 thoughts on “NTA suspends funding for Liffey Cycle Route”

  1. The biggest challenge is to get dinosaurs to stop opposing progress. Maybe a trial of the diverted traffic from option 7 would help show locals that traffic would not get much worse that it already is – and they would benefit from a great local cycling facility.

  2. It’s some Councillors trying to be all things to all people and not doing what is best for the common-weal which is to get our greenhouse gas emissions from transport down by promoting walking/cycling.
    Interminable proposals, discussions and prevarications about all the projects – S2S, Dodder Valley, North Strand/Fairview to name but a few.
    Folks we have Velo City 2019 being held in Dublin – what have we to show the 1,500 expected delegates and speakers!

  3. No scaremongering? Really? Did the councilor see the posters that were being put up in the area?

    STOP City Council Madness

    Croppy Park DESTROYED
    Croppies Acre WRECKED

    Save our Neighbourhood.

    Seems like scaremongering to me. I wonder how much of this opposition is genuine and how much is being stirred up with spurious claims by groups like the AA and Brown Thomas who don’t give a damn about the locals and would be only too happy to support bulldozing those houses and creches if it means more space for cars..


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