Waterford North Quays SDZ to include sustainable transport bridge

The North Quays SDZ — a special planning area on the north bank of the River Suir — is to include a new sustainable transport bridge.

Public consultation for the SDZ or Strategic Development Zone ends today, details can be found at waterfordcouncil.ie.

SDZs allow for a type of fast-track planning once the area plan is in place. The zones have been used in the Dublin Docklands, Cherrywood in south Dublin and is planned for around the Irish Glass bottle site in Ringsend.

The bridge in Waterford will link the SDZ and other existing areas to the city centre. Drawings for the bridge, which will have a usable width of under 8 metres, depicts a apparent narrow “cycle zone” between a bus and side wall of the bridge:

The transport maps for the area includes a greenway link towards the city centre and the Waterford Greenway and another in the direction of the planned Waterford to New Ross greenway.

However a greenway or any type of walking and cycling link is not shown along the full waterfront of the SDZ, including not towards the north side of the Red Bridge.

1 thought on “Waterford North Quays SDZ to include sustainable transport bridge”

  1. I have heard lots of really positive comments about the new Greenway in Waterford. It seems to have given a real lift to the region, boosting private enterprise and providing a great new amenity to the local community. I’m sure that helped in connecting the route into the the city. This new development would seem to compliment it too. While the schematic above looks a bit narrow for bikes, I hope the consultation will result in something more appropriate.

    It’s great to see this kind of development. Regional towns and cities are ideal for cycling, for reasons we all know. The more success stories we see around the country, the more likely we will see funding go into these projects.


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