Ahead of the public hearing on the planned College Green Plaza, due to start on Monday, the last batch of submissions has been uploaded onto the Dublin City Council’s website.
You can now read in full what objectors and observers had to say about the project.
Here’s links to the full three batches of submissions and also the planning files for reference:
Batch 1:
•Brady Shipman Martin, for Dame Property.tif
•Brown Thomas and Thomas Newton.pdf
•Dept of Education and Skills.tif
•Irish Parking Association.tif
•Irish Taxi Drivers Federation.tif
•Paramount Hotel & Turks Head.tif
•Restaurants Association of Ireland.tif
•Stanberry Investments Ltd..tif
•The Porterhouse Brewing Co..tif
•Thornton O’Connor for DublinTown.tif
•Thornton O’Connor for Martin Keane.tif
•Waterman Moylan for Lowstrand Properties Ltd.tif
•West Hotel Trading Company Limited part 1.tif
•West Hotel Trading Company Limited part 2.tif
•William Murray & Associates.tif
Batch 2:
•3. Brown Thomas Clarendon carpark.pdf
•6. Dublin City Centre Traders Alliance Ltd.pdf
•7. Dublin City Public Participation Network.pdf
•8. Irish Hotels Federation.pdf
•10. Jonova Properties Ltd.pdf
•12. Lowstrand Properties Ltd.pdf
•17. Stanberry Investments Ltd.pdf
•19. The Fotzwilliam Hotel,Shelbourne hotel & others.pdf
•20. The Keoghan Partnership.pdf
•21. Thomas Street Multi-story carpark.pdf
•22. West Hotel Trading Group.pdf
Batch 3:
•List of 18 Submissions to ABP to 21st Feb 2018.pdf
•2. National Transport Authority.pdf
•3. Transport Infrastructure Ireland.pdf
•7. Coach Tourism and Transport Council of Ireland.pdf
•8. Flairline Fashion Group.pdf
•9. Incoming Tour Operators Association – Ireland.pdf
•10. Irish Guide Dogs for The Blind.pdf
•11. Irish Wheelchair Association.pdf
•13. Mary Costello and Others.pdf
•14. M.E. Hanahoe and Others.pdf
•15. M.E. Hanahoe Solicitor.pdf
•17. National Disability Authority.pdf
•18. Sue Uda – A Touch of Ireland.pdf
Planning files
Batch 1:
◦College Green Project- Environmental Impact Statement
◦Chapter 2 Background and Alternatives considered
◦Chapter 4 Proposed Project Description
◦Chapter 5 Planning and Policy
◦Chapter 6 Traffic and Transportation
◦Chapter 7 Air Quality and Climate Factors
◦Chapter 8 Noise and Vibration
◦Chapter 10 Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Architectural Heritage
◦Chapter 11 Townscape and Visual
◦Chapter 12 Soils.Geology,Hydrogeology&Hydrology
◦Chapter 13 Resource and Waster Management
◦Chapter 14 Material Assets -Utilities
◦Chapter 15 Material Assets – Land Use and Property
◦Chapter 17 Cumulative Impacts and Interaction of Effects
◦Chapter 18 Summary of Mitigation and Residual Impacts
3 Existing Layout Drawings
4 Planning Drawings
Batch 2:
College Green Environmental Impact Assesment Report.pdf
•EIAR Table of Contents.pdf / doc
•2. Background and Alternatives.pdf / doc
•2. EIAR Non Technical Summary.pdf / doc
•4. Proposed Project Description.pdf / doc
•5. Planning and Policy.pdf / doc
•6. Traffic and Transportation.pdf / doc
•7. Air Quality and Climate Factors.pdf / doc
•8. Noise and Vibration.pdf / doc
•10. Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Architectural Heritage.pdf / doc
•11. Townscape and Visual.pdf / doc
•12. Land,Soil and Water.pdf / doc
•13. Resource and Waste Management.pdf / doc
•14. Material Assests – Utilities.pdf / doc
•15. Material Assests – Land use and Property.pdf / doc
•16. Population and Human Health.pdf / doc
•17. Risk of Major Accidents and,or Disasters.pdf / doc
•18. Cumulative Impacts.pdf / doc
•19. Summary of Mitigation and Residual Impacts.pdf / doc
•Appendix 1.1 EIA Planning Authority Determination.pdf / doc
•Appendix 4.1 Outline Construction and Environmental Management Plan.pdf / doc
•Appendix 6.1 NTA Modelling Report and Data.pdf / doc
•Appendix 9.1 Appropriate Assessment.pdf / doc
•Appendix 12.1 IGI Guideline and Impact Significance.pdf / doc
•Appendix 12.2 Historical Maps.pdf
•Appendix 12.3 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf / doc
•Appendix 13.1 Resource and Waste Policy Legislation Review.pdf / doc
•Appendix 13.2 Case Studies.pdf / doc
Response to further information request from An Bord Pleanala.pdf
•1 & 2 Introduction and Background.pdf / doc
•3. Further Information Request Responses.pdf / doc
•4. Other issues raised.pdf / doc
•Appendix A Schedule of Amendments to the EIAR.pdf / doc
•Appendix B NTA Modelling Report.pdf / doc
•Appendix D Vibration Monitoring Report.pdf / doc