A planned junction redesign at the Stillorgan Road and Fosters Avenue on the N11 should go back to the drawing board because it is unsafe and confusing, the Dublin Cycling Campaign has said.
The consultation by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council for the project ends at midday today. The campaign this morning urged members of the public to please make make “a brief submission”, via the council’s consultation page, asking for the scheme to be rejected as is currently designed.
The campaign said: “The Dublin Cycling Campaign recommends rejecting the current design and go back to make a safe and intuitive design. This is the least we expect for a project spending nearly 1m euro of walking and cycling budget.”
The key changes it said should be to keep cycling separate through the junction with Fosters Ave, where there’s two-way cycling sections not to put counter intuitive opposite side cycling, and not to have a staggered crossing.
Staggered crossings are against national guidance but councils continue to use them and claim their projects are in line with design manuals.