Dublin group aims to show business wants investment in cycling

— Trinity College Dublin and Digit Game Studios first to sign up.

A campaign to get businesses to show their support for the planned Great Dublin Area Cycle Network was launched this weekend.

CyclingWorks Dublin follows CyclingWorks in London which helped 180 companies show their support for segregated cycle route planned when Boris Johnson was Mayor of London. The companies signed up in London include Microsoft, Deloitte, Royal Bank of Scotland, Unilever and Coca-Cola.

The Dublin group is calling on businesses to write to transport minister Shane Ross and Anne Graham, CEO of the National Transport Authority, asking them to speed up building the Great Dublin Area Cycle Network, with “kerb protected cycle lanes will make active travel a real option for everyone, not just the young and fit”.

It said in an online presentation that the network roll-out “is currently stalled due to insufficient political will”.

Stephen McManus, a co-founder of the Dublin group said they welcome any companies of any size, and will be also seeking groups such as hospitals and educational institutes to sign up.

McManus said that three other companies have already asked for details since their launch and “there’s a quite a high rate of clicks on the slide deck“.

Richard Barnwell‏, CEO of Digit Game Studios, said on Twitter: “Excited to be on board. A huge opportunity for Dublin to become cyclist friendly – making it a happier, safer, greener city.”

3 thoughts on “Dublin group aims to show business wants investment in cycling”

  1. UPS have a few Bicyle Vans delivering .now if DHS starting doing the same here it would be great. There is Wheels Couriers and Pony Express and also another Courier Company using Bulitt Cargo Bikes and two Food Companies Deliveroo and Just Eat also one Restaurant.

    With the cost of Fuel starting to rise it would be good to cut down on Foreign Fuel being Exported into Ireland. The only benefit is to Foreign Oil Companies and Robs Ireland of its GDP Dead money. So the more we can cut out Oil Imports and use Bicycles the better.

  2. I agree this is great. Mostly because it serves to counter the impression from Dublin Town and the like that cycling infrastructure will literally destroy the city. When you just have Dublin Town, Brown Thomas, ‘a group of city centre businesses’, etc against something it can appear, especially if you are already predisposed to be anti-cycling, that everyone reasonable is against it and there’s just a bunch of hippies and unrealistic idiots in favour.

    I certainly want to do my part by approaching the company I work for and asking them to support this.


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