Garda, solicitor, Judge say cyclist was not wearing “correct gear” has reported that a Garda, a defence solicitor and Judge said that a cyclist was not wearing the “correct gear” in a case where a taxi driver was convicted for careless driving.

The date and time of the collision was give as November 20, 2016 just before 5.30am and it was reported to be foggy at the time. The time was within the legal light up hours where bicycle lights must be used but no reference to lights were made in the court report.

Unlike lights, there is no legal requirement to wear any type of high-visibility gear in Ireland. Although there is much confusion about this — has received reports from members of the public over years of Garda officers claiming that high-visibility is mandatory when this is not the case.

The Lenister Leader reported that Garda Sgt Jim Kelly said that the cyclist may not have been wearing the proper gear and this was then used by Matthew Byrne, solicitor for the defendant, and then Judge Staunton made reference to the same issue.

MORE:Judge gives warning on gear worn by cyclists at Kildare court

4 thoughts on “Garda, solicitor, Judge say cyclist was not wearing “correct gear””

  1. honestly they talk out of their arses most of the time there are laws even judges are not aware of but that is no excuse for you not knowing and most of these insane laws are money driven and passed quietly by corrupt conniving politicians in fairness most garda and judges just enforce the shite legislation.anyone know where I can find legislation on electric bicycles asked garda none are sure but wont admit it so get conflicting answers


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