Dublin’s first parking-protected cycle route won’t be built without support, warns campaigners

The Fitzwilliam cycle route may not be built if members of the public don’t support it by this Friday, cycling campaigners have warned.

The Dublin Cycling Campaign have asked people to support the route by taking Dublin City Council’s online survey, which should “only takes two minutes to do”.

The group said: “Dublin Cycling Campaign needs you to support the proposed FitzWilliam cycle route. Dublin City Council is proposing to build the FitzWilliam cycle route from Leeson Street bridge to Holles Street Hospital. It will be a route that is safe to cycle for people of all ages and abilities.”

The campaign said: “This is a ‘parking-protected’ cycle lane, where parking bays are used to keep cyclists segregated from general motor traffic. There is a raised kerb between the cycle track and the footpath, keeping pedestrians and cyclists separated from each other.”

“There is currently some vocal opposition to the proposed route. There’s more objectors than supporters for the scheme. Cyclists need to show their support for this new route or it may not be built.”

MORE:Fitzwilliam Cycle Route Non-Statutory Public Consultation

MORE:Dublin Cycling Campaign page on the route

8 thoughts on “Dublin’s first parking-protected cycle route won’t be built without support, warns campaigners”

  1. Just made my submission! Thanks for the heads up.

    I live relatively close to Fitzwlliam Place. This proposal is such clear improvement on the current situation that it would be a real shame if it didn’t go ahead. It would be a set back for cycling and pedestrian improvement works across the city.

  2. I’ve made a submission and everyone should, it takes two minutes.

    But isn’t this a non statutory public consultation? I don’t think local councilors have any say in whether or not it goes ahead. Isn’t it likely to go ahead even if there is opposition during the consultation?

    My understanding was the point of this consultation was to find what adjustments might need to be made to the designs, more so than to see if it will go ahead or not.

    • @e_slat — other projects subject to non-statutory consultations have delayed for years (Liffey Cycle Route etc) or watered down (ie the bus priority on the quays) when there was push back from some of the public / some councillors.

  3. @Cian Ginty – I think the Liffey cycle route required a vote by the councillors? The only reason I made that comment, was because at the presentation to the transport SPC, the council staff seemed to be fairly confident it would be done in time for Velo conference, and said that the councillors didn’t have any say in it.

    Either way, people should definitely make submissions.

    • @e_slat take which ever example you want — they watered down the bus priority on the quays and that did not need councillors to agree on it.

      My only point is that things can go against projects if there’s not strong support.

  4. I made my Submission today 10/10/october. I also said we need segregated Cycleways in our Cities and Towns all over Ireland if the Government is really serious about putting in Cycling Infrastructure.


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