Dutch-style redesign suggested for deadly Dublin Docklands junction

A Dutch-style protected junction design is being suggested for a deadly junction of Seville Place, Guild Street and Sheriff Street in Dublin.

The suggested redesign uses cycle paths with protective corners, a design which is common in the Netherlands, and which has stated to be adopted for used in the UK and US.

It was posted on Twitter after Neil Fox appealed for information on cyclists’ experiences of the junction. His sister,  Donna Fox, was killed at the junction when cycling to work in 2016 and a truck driver turning left failed to see here.

As we reported recently, Neil is seeking for the junction to be redesigned and is in the process of collecting data on collisions or near misses at the junction.

An outline version of the suggested redesign was posted by Limerick Cycle Design, a cycling infrastructure advocacy account which regularly posts “what if” type images showing alternative designs of existing and planned Irish roads and streets.

Dublin City Council has said that the junction redesign will be looked as as part of the Canals Cycleway, construction work in which has started along the next phase of the route along the canal north of the junction to North Strand Road.

According to dublininquirer.com this week, ahead of a 2017 meeting between Neil Fox and the Minister for Transport Shane Ross, a senior National Transport Authority discussed using a “left pocket” design with a Department of Transport official.

This left pocket design is where a straight ahead cycle lane is placed between the left turn and straight ahead general traffic lanes. The design — which is in the National Cycle Manual — is seen by cycling campaigners in Europe and the US as proven to be deadly.

In contrast, the Dutch style junctions offer a greater level of protection:

Today @LkCycleDesign further explained how the traffic light sequence could work — motorists turning left would be stopped while cyclists traveling straight on have a green light:

The account also noted how this is just one option and shows more could be done:

2 thoughts on “Dutch-style redesign suggested for deadly Dublin Docklands junction”

  1. We need to get the person behind Limerick Cycle Design into the department of transport as a national cycle officer with his/her own remit and some actual power to effect change.

    (or yourself Cian!) 🙂


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