Members of the public and the Cork Cycle Campaign protested at Cork city hall yesterday over cycle lanes being constantly blocked in the city.
Big thank you to the 150-200 people who came to City Hall tonight to call for better infrastructure for people cycling in our city.#freethecyclelanes #Allocate4Cycling
— CorkCyclingCampaign (@CorkCyclingCrew) February 11, 2019
This is the kind of motorist behaviour which prompted the protest:
If further evidence is needed that we need safe cycling infrastructure. These three within 50 yards of each of other on the usual spot of North Main Street and outside the court house. The roofing lads as ignorant as expected when told a cycle lane. #freethecyclelanes
— Declan Jordan (@decjordan) February 11, 2019
The protest included people of different ages:
Should of course be @CorkCyclingCrew rally #Cork #FreeTheCycleLanes
*apologies for wrong tag last night*— Eoin English (@EoinBearla) February 12, 2019
And it gained local and national media attention:
Cork cyclists rally for safer cycle lanes
“This is about me being able to get back home to my family safely at the end of the day.” #FreeTheCycleLanes— Majo ‘Immigrants stand with nurses!’ Rivas (@rivasmj) February 11, 2019
From more than one news outlet:
VIDEO: The Cork Cycling Campaign held a rally outside City Hall this evening. It was organised to highlight problems experienced in the city, particularly vehicles stopping or parking in dedicated cycle lanes
— Cork Independent (@corkindo) February 11, 2019