55 politicians and candidates sign up to CyclingForAll.ie

Over 50 politicians and local and European candidates have now signed to CyclingForAll.ie — which seeks improved cycle routes and more funding.

The principles of CyclingForAll.ie are space, priority, continuity and quality, permeability, contra-flow for cycling, integration and connectivity and funding for walking and cycling amounting to at least 20% of the national capital transport budget every year.

The latest politicians and candidates to sign up include: Barry Andrews, a Fianna Fáil canidate for MEP for Dublin.

The latest councillors and election candidates include those standing in areas of Dublin City, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Cork City, Cork County, Galway and Sligo.

It includes seven members of the Green Party, five members of the Labour Party, five members of the Social Democrats, three members of People Before Profit, three members of Fianna Fáil, and just one member of both Fine Gael and Sinn Féin.

Is your local politician signed up yet?

It’s up to you to convince your local councillors and your TDs that CyclingForAll.ie would be good for their areas and the country. Outline how we need to up our game in design terms, and walking and cycling needs 20% of the capital budget from the Department of Transport.

Check if they are signed up: combined local and national list

If you don’t know your local politicians or need to find their contact details, you can find them via whoismytd.com.

The important thing is to keep it simple, tell them why you value Cycling for All — for TDs, Senators and MEPs include the link: cyclingforall.ie/tds and for councillors send them cyclingforall.ie/cllrs

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