A number of podcasts I listen to have run “ask me anything” sessions, and I think it’s about time IrishCycle.com does the same.
So, please comment below to ask me anything about IrishCycle.com, how it’s run, how or why we pick stories etc. Within reason, I will try to answer the best I can and as fast as I can.
For new readers: IrishCycle.com is an independent journalism website which covers news and opinion on cycling mainly as transport and greenways in Ireland. Our starting point is in line with national Government policy that more cycling is good — the main point of this website is to point out where that is going wrong.
We do this within journalist norms — news reporting aims to follow expected standards and there’s also a campaigning journalism element of this website, this is in line with a tradition of campaigning journalism (ie The Times’ Cities Fit For Cycling or The Guardian’s Keep it in The Ground etc).
Please post your questions below and this page will be updates as soon as we can with answers.
Keeping on top of issues
Q1: Thanks to Michael for the first question: “How do you manage to keep on top of so many issues, proposals, decisions, etc?”
A1: It feels like I don’t keep on top of enough — for every story covered, there’s usually at least a few others not covered. A lot of my free time (including lunch breaks and parts of my evenings and weekends etc) is taken up by working on the site.
It’s unsustainable in the long-run and, unfortunately, due to time pressures, sometimes what’s covered is the thing that’s easier to cover. IrishCycle.com should be able to (like similar websites such as BikePortland.org which covers a similar population level and topics) have at least one full-time staff member, but it’s a big leap from here to there. It would allow for daily coverage and some more in-depth reporting.
In regards to finding about what’s happening — emails etc from readers and following the agendas of council committee meetings are the two biggest sources of information. Thank you to all of those who inform me about what happens and sorry when I can’t cover everything!
Q2: Oisín asks: “Are you funded by the all-powerful Cycling Lobby?”
A2: While the question might have been tongue in cheek, it’s a good one all the same.
IrishCycle.com is reader-supported. Ramping this up over time is the most likely path to making this website sustainable and continue to independent.
If you like what we do, you can use the PayPal link (below on smaller screens and to the left on larger screens). Please consider making your support monthly — even if you can only afford €12 per year, it’s better split monthly so in the long run we can plan ahead.
Funding currently goes to website hosting, domain names, other web services which support this website (WordPress features etc), equipment, travel, Facebook adverts etc.
Re the all-powerful cycling lobby: Unfortunately the cycling lobby isn’t well-funded In Ireland, but even if it was it would be a conflict of interest to be heavily reliant on such a source alone. It’s worth noting that this websites sometimes disagrees with cycling campaigns, including in recent articles. At the same time, IrishCycle.com always strives to include a diverse set of views.
Funding: Advertising
Q2.1: Hugh asks: “Have you considered advertising as a source of funding?”
A2.1: Reading this blog post on faduda.ie reminded me of your question, which I have thought about on-and-off. The short answer is: Yes, I have thought about advertising and I am still thinking about it.
The long answer is: The potential revenue from advertising is complicated by advertisers wanting clearer results and advertise for the short-term. Using a large advertising network risks annoying readers with irrelevant or otherwise annoying adverting. Worst of all, adverting risks annoying readers who are supporters, who as faduda.ie points outs, are one of the likely main revenue stream for journalism.
A hybrid of advertising and business-supporter model might work along side the reader-supporter model. BikePortland has both advertising and business-subscriptions — so, while there are risks, it’s worth looking at both and keeping an open mind.
If anybody has any thoughts on this please let me know.
Guest articles
Q3: Oisín asks: “What’s your process/policy on guest writing/interviews? Seems people have a lot of content they could express through IrishCycle.com.”
A3: My long to-do list includes setting up a page welcoming guest posts. The basic policy is to welcome guest option articles.
As a trained journalist I see news reporting a little differently and am more weary of opening that up to others. Simple news in brief articles or covering upcoming events etc is a possibility but even with that my journalism training tells to tread carefully.
On option articles, IrishCycle.com welcomes a diverse set of opinions. That, however, does not extend to misinformation or cycling bashing.
In advance of setting up a page about guest post, anybody can contact me at any time.
How do you manage to keep on top of so many issues, proposals, decisions, etc?
Are you funded by the all-powerful Cycling Lobby?
What’s your process/policy on guest writing/interviews? Seems people have a lot of content they could express through IrishCycle.com.
Thank you to both of you for your questions — I’ve added responses, please let me know if you have follow up or other questions.
Why no Presumed liability in Ireland?
We are the exception in Europe (Not counting UK) but it seems it is not even on the agenda.
Hi Vincent — the ask me anything is mainly focused on the running of this site, but to answer your question: There isn’t presumed liability in some of the countries listed as having it. In the Netherlands for example, it’s limited to civil action / deciding damages and mainly for children. The Dutch situation is explained here: https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/2013/02/21/strict-liability-in-the-netherlands/amp/
Have you considered advertising as a source of funding?
@Hugh Sorry for the delay in replying to this (and see answer 1 above for the reasoning for the delay). The built up to the elections with CyclingForAll.ie made keeping on top of things lately that little bit harder, but there’s always something. Anyway…
The short answer to your question is yes and I still am considering it — the longer answer is above.